Hi Kathy,
Thanks for sharing that with us. It's so true!!
When I was young, my goal in life was to be a mother, nothing else really seemed to matter. (Even though my relationship with my own mother was somewhat unsteady .. but that's a whole different story)
I am now a mother of 3 and I am SO grateful!!!!
No, we don't get "paid" but our rewards are much greater than money: thier smiles, their hugs and the soft little "I love you" coming from the darkened room where they're 'supposed' to be sleeping. ;-)
Yes, it's stressful, hard, tiring ect. but at the end of a long, hard day when you look in on them to make sure they're asleep and all OK, you know you are well blessed and it's all worth every minute!!!
And to David: single parents do have to play both roles of mother and father which even mkaes it harder. You are so blessed to have kids who showed their appreciation of all you did for them by giving you Mother's Day Cards!
God Bless you all!