Hello Adland Friends,
Before we get started let's set the guidelines.
*********** RULES ***********
- Your Lead Source must be free to implement and receive results.
- Your Post should be informative and helpful. Provide some real information and not just an ad. Be imaginative.
- Post ONE lead Source per Post
- Graphics are ok but not too bold or flashy.
Come on all you veterans out there. It's time to give up some of your secrets. :-)
We want everyone to be able to read the information you post, so everyone has the same chance of helping others grow their HBB.
(excessive use of oversized and embolden type is not allowed.You will be asked to modify your post.)
Thanks for playing along.
*********** RULES End ***********
I know everyone likes to have new folks to talk to about their businesses. Now I know that there are many ways to find these folks.
One great way is in communities such as ALP here. You know socializing and feeling folks out and growing relationships.
Unfortunately this approach takes time, effort and patience.
As each community has it's own little quirks and nuances that you need to learn to even be effective. Again this takes time, effort and patience.
Now here is the challenge.
Most folks coming online or starting a home based business has never ran a business of their own. Those that have will be successful quicker than someone that
hasn't. Simple FACT!
Another Simple FACT!
Is that most of us will not take the time to LEARN what is needed to Grow and RUN a Business. We believe the money is just streaming down the internet and all they have to do is log on and pick it up. So we just jump right in.
HA! HA! HA! It ain't that simple is it? It's a long process to get that self sustaining point. So you need some interested folks fast don't you? Plus some knowledge.
Which is Okay too because we are here to help. Thanks to ALP
Well after you have ran through your short list of friends. (You still have left) :-)
You need more folks to share your exciting new business, product or service with right?
Since we have not learned all the ins and outs of marketing and generating our own contacts. Because remember we are just starting out and learning how to build our businesses.
But also, WE have to generate some Cash Flow. SOoo... Sooner or later some one is going to suggest that you buy some leads.
Don't Do It!!! Not Yet! Anyway...
I have several was for you to get FREE Leads. But I set the Rules for this Thread. So I must obey them too. Hopefully my post has so far been enlightening and somewhat helpful.
This FREE Leads Source ... is fairly new and really does provide free leads that are responsive and ready for a business. The BEST Kind. Keep Reading...
Remember how we are always looking for a way to get leads to promote our online businesses?
Well I have found the best way.
How about...
Check out this really cool website that just launched that gives free survey leads (no strings)! Please visit the following link:
You see that AD-Alyzer Link? Trust me you will want one of them for your own use too. Ask me how to get yours. I can give you one... if you really want me to. PM me ;-)