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Thomas Richmond

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TO THE ADLAND COMMUNITY and ALL its partisipants
9/16/2007 5:53:25 PM
As you may know or may not know something is happening here by a stroke of genious, we have an Adlander who is a very smart woman and has taken upon this task of hers to ask everyone one of us to make amends to randomly take acts of kindess and apply the here inside this community to your friends. For youself i would like to make admends with 2 people in my life here at ALP and apologies for whatever action i did to provoke such good friends to me to wanna have me banned and deleted from there forums. To Brenda Burgess i am sorry for the things i may have caused you and to Monica my dear sweet Monica Stokes i am not asking for you to forgive me but i am asking for you to reconsider our friendship.  To ALP i apologes for shuving my religous believes and constant programs in such a fast rate of speed and determination. I am sorry for that. Some of you may not agree? but theres some that do.  I was asked today to do a random act of kindness and for me that isnt a random thing for me as i do encourage daily so it was hard for me to understand what Mary wanted from me, so being that its Sunday and in my house its a italian tradition for a family Spegetti dinner where all my family come together eat, argue, and play cards, watch footballl what have you, and i thought of this post. i have no forums with mudslinging or the like so please forgive me if im not acting as Mary H wanted. I also wnted to give my sincere appology to Marilyn L, she's a Rock and although she may pull my strings once in awhile i will never treat her in the way i have in the past, this is my last effort in making admends with her, i am sorry for what i may have said? i am sorry for the rumores you may have heard. I am sorry i dont live up to your expectations. You diserve alot Marilyn and i just wish i can do something for you, i am sorry.  Sorry ALP. I dont know what else to say , sometimes i wish i could just give up. I put Marys link here for you guys one more time. I wish all all well. Your so called (prayerwarrior) friend Thomas. God_bless you


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Rinna Rani

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Re: TO THE ADLAND COMMUNITY and ALL its partisipants
9/16/2007 6:03:43 PM
Dear Thomas,
Hello friend and good morning to you (cause its morning here in Malaysia - 6.58am).

I just wanted to say that what you have written above has made you the bigger person by stepping up and taking it into your own hands to make a difference.  I RESPECT YOU MR THOMAS RICHMOND for being a MAN.

I bow down to your sincerity SIR THOMAS with respect - R-E-S-P-E-C-T!

Love ya, Rina
Valerie Clavin

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Re: TO THE ADLAND COMMUNITY and ALL its partisipants
9/16/2007 6:06:08 PM

Your amazing Thomas, I do believe you just did as Mary has asked us. I also believe you did so VERY Eloquently!!


Valerie Clavin


Mary Hannan

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Re: TO THE ADLAND COMMUNITY and ALL its partisipants
9/16/2007 7:11:34 PM
Brother Thomas,
Although I never took part in the "war" I what to be part of the solution. So...

This is an random act of kindness.

Big Hugs!

Podo Pierre

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Re: TO THE ADLAND COMMUNITY and ALL its participants
9/16/2007 7:12:08 PM

Hi Thomas,

seems my absence has caused you a lot of changes? I was looking forward to your Sunday Biblical lessons this morning, but found nothing? I know you have all Adlandpro members in mind and I very well know you love us all. There's just one thing I would like to add to your message . 'HOLD YOUR THOUGHTS STEDFASTLY TO GODLY THINGS, AND TO LOVE AND ITS GOD WILL WORK WITH YOU TO FULFILL FORGIVESS AND GRACE' .


Pierre Louma


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