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Thomas Richmond

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Re: To Congratulate a man of ALP Ambassador JOHN SANCHEZ
9/15/2007 12:01:18 PM
Thanks for the love Dimitra! What a big butterfly. Enjoy your day m friend... God_bless you
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Thomas Richmond

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Re: To Congratulate a man of ALP Ambassador JOHN SANCHEZ
9/15/2007 12:07:38 PM
Jason Lamour told me that i was a cheerleader and i guess i am? I enjoy what i do and by walking with our God John i love the company here at ALP no matter who they are. A home away from home for me if you will and i am proud to be home. Brother John my friend and brother in Christ, i am proud to do this for you my friend, in-light of a mis-hap i decided to make a new recognition to the whole community as i can. I would ask you for a Bio in my Sunday showcase? but i think this will do for now huh?? lol. Love you John. As you can see we all do. Enjoy your weekend. God_bless you
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Re: To Congratulate a man of ALP Ambassador JOHN SANCHEZ
9/15/2007 12:18:12 PM

Hello Everyone!  :-)


Sorry I'm just getting here, I wasn't aware of this surprise by Thomas.

Folks, I worked last night so I need to get some sleep, I wish I could reply to all of you right now but I'm fading. Tired.... Just know that I love you all immensely! You are all very dear to me. Have a great weekend everyone!  :-)

I will take the time to reply to one person because because his post brought tears to my eyes, I'm talking about William Vanderbilt's post. Bill and I have not been on good terms during most of our acquaintance which is something that has bothered me because I don't like to be at odds with anyone. His post meant a lot to me because of this, it's a weight off my back.

Bill, thank you so much for your gesture, I appreciate it immensely. Looking forward to putting our past behind us. Have a great weekend and thank you again.  ;-)



Re: To Congratulate a man of ALP Ambassador JOHN SANCHEZ
9/15/2007 12:27:42 PM

LOL Thomas!


You are not the only one who has been referred to as a cheerleader; Michael Dela Cruz referred to me in a newsletter as a cheerleader minus the nice legs and pom poms. lol 

Here's the link to the newsletter, check it out!  lol  :-)

Take care Buddy!  ;-)



Thomas Richmond

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Re: To Congratulate a man of ALP Ambassador JOHN SANCHEZ
9/15/2007 12:35:03 PM
AHAHAHA John yes i did see those past issues, Mr. Dela Cruz i miss him so , Thanks for the link so everyone could see.  I must admit you do have your Pom-Poms without the fringes, they stand for Truth and Justice just as you always had in here. Thanks again Buddy... Be prepared for more! 
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