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Re: Travel Much?
9/20/2007 1:41:29 PM


That beautiful smile of yours is enough to transport me.

Dermot Glennon Author
Alta Thalmann

9 Posts
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Re: Travel Much?
9/20/2007 2:16:15 PM


I don't travel much but I like many others was impresse

I've been really busy sending out invitations to MyPower Mall, since Christmas is less than 99 days away.  In case you haven't heard I'm giving them away FREE! Every one can give away this over a 100 store shopping mall. We're in over 188 countries.No purchase is necessary. and you can get commision from the malls you giveaway. HOT HOT Deal!!!    

Thanks Alta

Erica Williams

63 Posts
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Re: Travel Much?
9/20/2007 5:07:09 PM

Thanks for the information ALTA:) But I have found great profit in the travel business. Its nothing new and everyone likes to take a vacation. I also get tax-benfits and a salary from this business as well as free health benefits. I think I am sold to the seven trillion dollar travel industry!

Best Wishes to you and your success!

Erica N Williams Website: E-mail: Travelu Online
Re: Travel Much?
9/22/2007 1:59:10 PM
Erica, thanks a lot for Your engagement. For me, time to travel is gone. Now I am retired and I have no more any time available for traveling. Before I travelled to India, China, USA and a lot of places in Europe. But now, I am fully engaged, (retired peoples does no more have any vacancies, this is a warning fo all to go ritered) with growing up pears and grapes in a vegan, fully organic farm. But thanks again and have a nice weekend Hans
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Erica Williams

63 Posts
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Re: Travel Much?
9/27/2007 12:43:29 PM

Thanks for all your SUPPORT guys!

In return I wanted to let everyone know alittle more about me and my family! YOu can go to

Nice to Know you All:)

Best Wishes to your success!

Erica N Williams Website: E-mail: Travelu Online

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