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Re: Apology to Adland Community
9/12/2007 9:38:29 AM

Hi Ms. BJ:

Like Ms. Judy, I'm unsure about what you're apologizing for. And I Do understand that being a person of integrity is more important than being popular. Mr Buccheri lets us know that every day. In fact, being an entertainer, he has mentioned many times that having a sense of ethics in all that you do leads to one thing, a calm heart and gentle spirit. 

" It will be the very people that you serve who will be your judge and jury if you are found to be creating harm to or within the community where you participate - online or off. So, speak as one voice and speak honestly and allow integrity to be at the helm of your spiritual self when dealing with another - both in friendship and in business." (Revised edtion of LLB) 

A while back now, TGAMM had a situation that created an email where someone said that, people on her friends list within the online community they were part of had been told to boycott our radio station. The email was motivated because of something Mr. Buccheri and our news affiliate BCN News had placed all over the Intertnet as a news story. THe outcome was someone replied at one particular forum as if the news story was a personal attack against them, simply because of some involvement they had in the subject matter of the news story. I can say that being privy to all that followed, I was sadden over how this person and a few others joined in and actually thought they had some magical power to destroy someone because they did their job as both friend and licensed broadcaster. As a young adult, I was even more concerned to have seen such a display of poor behavior.  

As I was communicating earlier, we Interns, here at TGAMM FM, are reminded constantly that ethics, a true sense of doing what's best to alert others when harm will be the outcome, and in not being concerned about if you'll be looked upon as important for doing your job, or made popular from it -  is not even a consideration.

About the CR it's my understanding that they are part of an on line community that settles complaints and are in one of the communities here on line. I have never seen their photos, never heard of anyone being able to communicate to them as individuals and who are friends with them here on the Internet.

By the way, there is one thing about the written word, as we are shown as well by those here at TGAMM,  you can't hear the inflection on the word, nor see the face of the person it's always our call on how we respond (react ).

 To end my reply -  in your heart, you were guided by your gentle spirit to create a greater good. So no apology should be needed, other than to express to others that you care.

Stay wonderful,

Helen/Intern on Duty


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Re: Apology to Adland Community
9/12/2007 9:40:20 AM

Hi BJ,

  Like Judy, I missed all the excitement!

  Like you, I get my dander up every now and then, usually over nothing that seemed like SOMETHING at the time.

 We learn together, laugh together, forgive and forget together.

 Not one of us here is perfect and therefore not one of us is qualified to judge.

 You are going to have a Great Day Today BJ - enjoy it with FRIENDS!!!

Blessings & Hugs

Valerie Clavin

Re: Apology to Adland Community
9/12/2007 9:44:54 AM

Good morning, BJ,

Whatever it was that you did or said, I don't care!  No one is  perfect.  There was only ONE perfect One, and they hung Him  on the cross!  So don't worry about all of this kind of stuff!  Whatever it was,  has to be considered trivial, in this world of anger and confusion. 

We love you just the same.  You're a very special person here in Adland, and we sure couldn't do without you, girl!



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Re: Apology to Adland Community
9/12/2007 10:00:20 AM


I have to ditto what has already been said.  You are only human, we are all only human, no one is perfect.

You are a wonderful person with a good heart, and you are an asset to Adland!

So stop worrying about it and move on! We all love you!



Re: Apology to Adland Community
9/12/2007 10:03:27 AM


I missed all your hoopla, so no worry on my part.  Most of us at one time or other has 'stuck our foot in our mouth', so to speak.  Sometimes maybe it helps to vent but like you say, need to go to the right place to do it.  However, I have no clue what you are apologizing about.  You have my forgiveness whatever it was.  Just keep on being the great person you are and ALP folks seem to just accept.

Have a great day and no more HBP!



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