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Donna Zuehl

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Re: pet stories---The strange, the weird, unexplained, paranormal, bizzare stories as told by Adlanders about their pets and other animals
9/12/2007 11:01:33 PM
Hi Mary, My cats haven't exhibited any supernatural behavior, but definitely can communicate their wants. My oldest cat cannot jump onto a window sill in the hall bathroom. When she wants to get up there, she meows loudly while standing in the bathroom, waiting for me to notice that she wants to be lifted up to the window sill. My middle cat leads me to the kitchen every evening as a reminder it is time for her evening snack. In the morning, she meows behind the bedroom door, wanting me to let her in the room. Then she looks at me and meows to be petted. When we leave the bedroom together, she leads me to the kitchen for her breakfast. My youngest cat hides under the bed when he hears the UPS truck pull up in the driveway. He is afraid of strangers. When he wants to go in the garage, he stands up, stretches as far as he can, and touches the door handle. When he wants the toys he has pushed under the couch, he tries to reach under there. Then I get a yardstick, which he thinks is the "toy getter stick". He gets very excited as soon as he sees the yardstick, because he anticipates that I will use it to fetch his toys back out from under the couch. Of course, I am a proud cat owner, if you can't tell, :) DonnaZ
Re: pet stories---The strange, the weird, unexplained, paranormal, bizzare stories as told by Adlanders about their pets and other animals
10/4/2007 11:38:21 PM

Howdy, Arthur ~

Your response is much appreciated! Thank you.

I'm certainly glad you used the word, "normal" to describe my littlest dog. I'm feeling relieved! She's a Jack Russell mix.  I have another dog who's a Golden Retreiver/Lab/Springer Spaniel mix, but his behaviors are quite different than hers.  Maybe she's just an "iconoclast", like me!!

A cat that "barks"!?  Boy oh boy, that's one for the books!

I notice you call yourself "The Old Coot" so, in closing, Arthur, I'd like to pass along this quote:

"It's not the years in your life that matter, it's the life in your years."    - Abraham Lincoln

And it's apparent to me that you've got a whole lot of LIFE left in your years!




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