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pet stories---The strange, the weird, unexplained, paranormal, bizzare stories as told by Adlanders about their pets and other animals
9/10/2007 11:53:00 AM
A BREAK AWAY MOMENT HERE AT ADLANDPRO Everyone loves a story and its a great way to get away from the mononetany of working at the computer. So sit back and read stories that are weird and unexplained by our not so weird, bizarre, strange members of Adlandpro who are just dying to tell what they have never been able to tell anyone else. You can read and/or post but you will need to click on "E-mail me when someone posts". Who knows you may have a story to read each day and then just when you least expect it something out of the ordinary will happen, come here and share your story. A BREAK AWAY MOMENT HERE AT ADLANDPRO Everyone loves a story and its a great way to get away from the mononetany of working at the computer. So sit back and read stories that are weird and unexplained by our not so weird, bizarre, strange members of Adlandpro who are just dying to tell what they have never been able to tell anyone else. You can read and/or post but you will need to click on "E-mail me when someone posts". Who knows you may have a story to read each day and then just when you least expect it something out of the ordinary will happen, come here and share your story. There will be no little men in white jackets and you won't hear anyone say "No way, your crazy". This is a great place to spit it all out. You don't have to identify yourself (Oh, like we don't see your profile)!!!! or the location if you want to stay anonamous. No Couch fees either or you can send a small counseling fee. The weird, strange, unexplained, paranormal--stories by Adlandpro members *********************************************************** Now here is the sequel: Pet stories of the, strange, unexplained, paranormal. Has your pet ever acted in a way that made you wonder how that happend. Many stories are told of Animals that were left behind and found their way thousands of miles back home. Has your pet ever warned you of danger or seemed to lead you in some way showing that they are able to communicate. Has a deceased pet ever made their presence known to you. Can pets appear as ghosts?? Can your pet do something that is unexplainable like forewarn you of something changing in your body functions, like predict a chemical change in your body. This forum is moderated and will allow only stories of pets and animals. OOOO---oooo you must have something interesting to share about animals in your life. _____________________________________________________ THIS PAGE IS FOR PET STORIES---POST RIGHT HERE!!!! USE THE ABOVE URL FOR PEOPLE STORIES
Flag of Arthur Webster

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Re: pet stories---The strange, the weird, unexplained, paranormal, bizzare stories as told by Adlanders about their pets and other animals
9/10/2007 12:11:53 PM

Hi, Mary,

I have told this story before but I think it bears repeating.

A couple of months ago my Podenco, Abbie, died. She was one of those perfect dogs that most people only dream about. gentle, kind, obedient, placid and with a touch so gentle that you would not know it unless you were looking.

About four days after she died both Scamp and I saw her walk from the bathroom to the sitting room. I could understand myself wanting to see a much loved dog and imagining that I had done just that but Scamp spent the next few minutes excitedly searching the apartment - calling, as she used to, to Abbie!

I have been aware of her presence a few times since but on only one other occasion has Scamp tried to find her.

The Old Coot

Re: pet stories---The strange, the weird, unexplained, paranormal, bizzare stories as told by Adlanders about their pets and other animals
9/10/2007 1:06:17 PM

This is a story about a little kitten that came to me when I needed a little kitten the very most.  I was sitting on the edge of my bed, after a day of chemotherapy, feeling really sorry for myself, and thought, wouldn't it be terrific to get a small kitten to cheer myself up. Of course, I already have 7 cats, 2 dogs etc. but a small kitten would be great.

The next morning, I went out to my horse barn, and darned if a tiny little kitten didn't go racing past me. So I followed it and it stopped at a building just outside my fence. I Mewed at it cause it was meowing like crazy and I was hoping it would think I was another cat and stick around. And it did think I was another cat and the two of us had the best conversation. We talked for 15 minutes. I then went and got her some food and she was starving, poor thing. She was so tiny, she fit through my chain link fence.

To make this story shorter, I named her MewMew, and she stayed and is here now, and is big and beautiful with nice long hair. It took her a couple of months, but I can pat her now and pick her up. I have no idea where she came from, but it was a miracle for both of us. I got a great kitten with tons of personality. and she got a super new home.

Margie Elmendorf

Pet eBooks

Re: pet stories---The strange, the weird, unexplained, paranormal, bizzare stories as told by Adlanders about their pets and other animals
9/10/2007 6:56:17 PM

You won't believe this, but my dog thinks she's a CAT!!  My daughters and I just sit back and scratch our heads and wonder what the heck is up with her!  We got her from the Humane Society and we believe she was born and raised around cats.  Here's an example of some of her "cat" behaviors:

  • She grooms herself all day long
  • She licks her coat and her paws constantly
  • She always lays on the back of the couch
  • She sleeps under my bed - won't go near her "dog" bed
  • She catches mice (thank God she doesn't eat them!)
  • She can't stand to have a bath - hates water

So what do ya think?

Is my DOG really a CAT!!??



Flag of Arthur Webster

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Re: pet stories---The strange, the weird, unexplained, paranormal, bizzare stories as told by Adlanders about their pets and other animals
9/11/2007 4:00:06 AM

Hi, Melanie,

That sounds like a pretty normal dog, to me. All my dogs have behaved in that way - as well as being able to out-sleep cats!

One of my friends has a cat that was brought up with dogs. It behaves like any other cat - except it barks! I've never heard a cat noise from it except that it does purr.

The Old Coot
