WELCOME TO UBIEE, Ladies I know that you are members in UBIEE. Let us see how to make this better. Kathy I think your FOUNDATION SHOULD BE HERE I give you a special OFFER for your foundation of course. http://community.adlandpro.com/forums/thread/809568.aspx Be part of the team that will be owner of the frist MEGAVORTX What about to share €320.00 , €160.00 and 106,67 as our three first payments? Thats what the promo team and Super Promo will do. Want to join? YOu may do this as a person or as a FOUNDATION. Decision is yours. I recommend you the Alterantive Three. Think of having the parents of your foundation in SUPER PROMO Team!!! Read carefuly. I am in the position to bring in people to special vortexes created by me to prices lower than normal because I am the holder of the vortex and because my winnings are shared to my friends. I think vortex Nr 1086 gave you proof that this system works. You have earned mor than 102% by sending in one person. The supers prom have not started yet and already we have 10% of our start capital. Patricia D I am sure you will UBIEE - WOW and smile this week. Sara, The JerkyDirect Team is doing Great. Your Team Leaders are doing a nice work Georgios UBIEE Advisor