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Jo Matthias

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Re: MAN OF COURAGE - John Elliott, aka Oaky Wood
9/10/2007 2:20:34 PM

Hello John and Luella,

My thoughts and prayers are with John....

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Carla Carey

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Re: MAN OF COURAGE - John Elliott, aka Oaky Wood
9/10/2007 4:09:52 PM
HI Luella,
This is sad news ! I checked in here later than usual. I'm sorry to hear about John's illness.
He will be on my prayer list that's for sure!Tell him we all love him here in Adlandpro :)
God bless !
Carla :)

Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey
Re: MAN OF COURAGE - John Elliott, aka Oaky Wood
9/11/2007 3:52:24 AM
Hi Luella, I Pray for a healing for John's recovery and have both yourself and John in my thoughts.
I am sorry to be late in my posting, however I have been working the last 2 days at the aged care facility, where I do voluntary work now and also helping some people online and offline that I know who have issues, in their lives. Sadly one of the clients, where I work in aged care suddenly past away which took us all by surprise as she was a shining light to all and was very bright and cheerful always.
I do feel that you friend John will be OK after a period of rest, but certainly understand your concern as well.
As I always say, let God`s will be done as God the Father has us all in his hands and he knows what is best for us.
Healing thoughts from Keith.

Luella May

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Re: MAN OF COURAGE - John Elliott, aka Oaky Wood
9/11/2007 8:33:08 AM

Hello dear friends,

I found a lovely email from John first thing this morning.  He asked that I post this reply for him.

Hi Everyone,

Although weakened through my ordeal, I felt I must thank everyone, for your wonderful heartfelt wishes and prayers. I am truly humbled and blessed to have such friends from around the world, here within our community.

Thank you one and all, every prayer is much appreciated.

Both Luella and myself are certainly holding back those tears as we read your lovely messages. Rest assured that this warrior will certainly be around to fight another day, and carry the flag of Motivation that is Empowering both men and women in the home for Business, Health and Leisure, as we have done successfully now since we founded way back in January 2006, and all with your valued love and continued support.

Once again thank you all my friends

John Elliott aka Oaky Wood

I thank you all for your support and prayers.  I know this has warmed John's heart and it means so very much to me.

Joyce Sanders

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Re: MAN OF COURAGE - John Elliott, aka Oaky Wood
9/11/2007 9:12:09 AM
Good Morning Luella,

Stopped by to say how much we all miss "Our John".  I pray for a complete recovery for him.  I pray for the health and safety for him and his family as he begins his road to recovery.

As always,
