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Flag of Dave Cottrell

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Why is a Credits Based System Better?
9/4/2007 2:46:54 PM
Hi everyone,

Since I own a safelist, many people ask me, "Dave, do these things really work?  Is there any real advantage to posting on a safelist?  Isn't it just going to fill my inbox to overflowing with useless junk mail?"

The question is a good one.  As a matter of fact, it's one I've just been forced to deal with as I recently had to make some hard choices due to the incredibly stupid blunder of a careless web host.

As many of my friends know, I own Busy Bee Safelist.  The safelist had over 2500 active members, and actually was quite responsive.

I say, was, because my host of many years sold out to another host without informing me, and the new host simply deleted the entire database (and threw away I don't know how many dollars in hosting fees.)  He even deleted all the backups, making it impossible to recover any recent data at all.

So...  that brought me to two important questions:

Do I continue?

Do I keep the same script, which allowed people to send out email messages to numerous other members at varying times, depending on their membership level, or do I go to a brand new and much more effective type of system?

The first answer, of course, was to carry on and get a new and reliable host.  I'm no quitter.  After many days of digging, emailing and phoning, I secured a new host who specializes in hosting safelists and who has an excellent seven year record.

The next question, and the main question, took a little more time.  I knew it was going to cost me to buy a new script, but I also know from experience the downside of a typical safelist.  Most people have been sucked in by the typical safelist submitters which charge a fee to allow people to blast to tens of thousands of safelist members on multiple sites.

For a safelist owner, such as myself, the lure of the submitters is that you can build a list very quickly, as once someone has put your site into a submitter, the signing up process is automated, and people join in droves from one main submitter website.

The problem is, of course, that virtually or absolutely none of your carefully crafted messages EVER get read.  They simply go into a inbox somewhere in Never-Never Land and get dumped with all the rest every time the inbox gets too full.

So...  in all fairness to future members of Busy Bee Safelist, my choice has been to go to a credits based system.  Under a credits based system, members earn credits by reading other members' ads, and those credits can then be redeemed to send out their own ads.

Credits based systems have proven to be a most effective means of advertising.  In order for a member to gain enough credits to send out a campaign, they must either first read enough ads to build up enough credits, or they must buy the credits.  Most people will not buy credits, so the mail gets read.

In the "old days," which weren't very long ago, you could get away with the traditional type of safelist advertising, but today, it is a grand waste of time.  While I know it means a lot more work for me as the owner, I also know that the credit system is the only way to go.

God bless,

Flag of Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: Why is a Credits Based System Better?
9/4/2007 4:19:40 PM
Hello Dave,

Thank you for this informative explanation. 
I joined your list, last week yet not received any email and I could not send anyone anything either until I bought in credits.  I would be selecting the route of earning my credits over buying them.

Kind regards

Flag of Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: Why is a Credits Based System Better?
9/4/2007 6:14:24 PM

Hi Dave,

I might well be interesed on a credit read system.


Flag of Ricardo Alcaraz

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Re: Why is a Credits Based System Better?
9/5/2007 1:07:04 AM

Hello Dave,

Thank you for bringing out that insight concerning safelists.

I have good memories of safelists, since that was one of the very 1st marketing means I was exposed to. This was before the advent of safelist submitters. I remember scheduling safelist submissions almost every day of the week.

I was also getting modest results. which at that time was a thrill for me.

However, with the coming out of submitters and safelist boxes, I saw the decline of safelist results for me. I was always troubled with the question of what if everyone was doing submitters in conjuction with bottomless safelist boxes that have automatic daily deletion?

But a Credit-system safelist somehow brings back some of the effectiveness of safelists. At least we know that our offers are getting read somehow by someone sometime.

I don't think safelists will become as effective as it was in the beginning days, but at least, it will still be effective.

I wish you success on your safelist endeavors, Dave!



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Re: Why is a Credits Based System Better?
9/5/2007 2:59:52 AM

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