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Les Johnson

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Re: Well, seems someone wants to slander me personally for asking for proof ...
9/3/2007 7:43:07 PM

  Hey Kenneth!

  Well, as a man of God, I will not get into what I think of the "Doc", but I will ask you something. If everyone is getting lower reduction in there emissions, that would mean that they all have cars that are before the on board computers came out. You see, with the computers, you hook it up  and it tells the testing machine, if it passes or not without measuring anything. Now I also remember someone mentioning about the computers being programed to where they detect a change in gas savings and thus makes the adjustments, which is true, but easliy fixed by your own mechanic by having him reprogram the computer to allow the changes. I also googled about the "gas pills" that are out there and came up with this from AAA, (Hey Mark, lolol)

  There were some pretty interesting articles about "gas pills" guys, so go and google them a,d read them yourself. It would seem that there are alot more disgruntled people who have used them, scientist that have proven them, and common sensed people out there who disagree with using the gas pills. By the way, Kenneth, as you know I am involved with a company as well, but when the "Doc" says that mechanics are going to say not to use anything, it usually means that either they do not know, were taught to not try anything at all, or they might lose there jobs if they did try to promote anything, that isn't ok'd by the businesses that they work at. But I will tell you, all of them that I have talked to, and some are people who are using our products and are still testing them out, say that they will not put anything solid or a pill into anything that they own, or work on. One main reason is that when you put something solid into your tank, your actually voiding the warranty, unless it has been approved by the manufactor or by our goverment, and some of the ones that I have talked to also, our not the ones who work at the shops either, although I take my cars and van to my usual place, so I can get the warranty of the work that needs to be done, like brakes and tires. They don't need lubrication, just in case anybody doesn't know that, lololol. Sorry, just couldn't resist that one. Be Blessed everyone


Les Johnson
Certified Independent Representitive!
Motor Latte Commercial & Fleet Services
281-999-1156 Hm Bus. #
281-999-0043 Fax #
832-444-5282 Cell #






Thanks! God Bless!! Les Johnson Certified Independent Representitive! Motor Latte Commercial & Fleet Services 281-999-1156 Hm Bus. # 281-999-0043 Fax # http://w
Tim Southernwood

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Re: Well, seems someone wants to slander me personally for asking for proof ...
9/4/2007 10:46:35 AM

Hi Kenneth,

I'm forced to respond in defence of your honor, and refute the libellous statements made by "Dr. Michael" (ahh..would that be his real first or last name??)
His statements could never harm your reputation in the eyes of those who know you as a fair, reasonable and reputable man, and your position as Advisor here in Adland bespeaks the respect granted you in this community. However to those who don't know you, people new to Adland, or those who carry vested interests in promoting fuel savers (or snake oil), his statements might cause some damage to your reputation here and elsewhere.
I would expect a complete retraction and apology for those remarks from a sound minded and reasonable man, but in this case you're unlikely to receive any.
Might I suggest legal recourse?

Your friend,



Tim Southernwood/Get eH² Packs!/BlogNet Awards We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit - Aristotle
Jenny SJ

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Re: Well, seems someone wants to slander me personally for asking for proof ...
9/5/2007 8:53:47 PM
Well, well, well,

I sstarted following the discussion on fuel additives because I OWN A CAR  and have friends who sell these fuel additives.and am interested to see whether they really are going to help me and those friends who sell these products - for various companies.

Tim has explained to anyone who is new exactly who you are.  And (Hi Tim, long time no see!) he has said all that needs to be said about your credibility.

What has surprised  and disappointed me is that the founder of a business promoted at AdlandPro feels the need to discredit you for supplying the community with some information and asking a few questions. 

I also posted on your forum about fuel additives, as I own a car and have many questions to ask about these products. It is logical that anyone will be wary of someone who refuses to offer explanations.   I received a mail advising me that the same  gentleman no longer wishes to "be my friend"  and can only assume that it relates to my post on your forum.  You can draw your own conclusions.

Having watched the Microsoft forums - where users say the most terrible things about Microsoft and the company seems unworried - I notice the contrast between Microsoft's reactions and the reactions of a couple of prorgamme promoters at Adland.  They dont seem to like cricitism or tolerate questions. about their programmes. 

Funny thng that! 

Re: Well, seems someone wants to slander me personally for asking for proof ...
9/9/2007 7:11:46 AM
Dear Kenneth

There are so many scams and frauds out there, but not all are easy to get. Therefor it is nice that we have friends like You that inform us about them.

Maybe this so-called Dr Michael must prove himself to be believed, so fare I also know that he have no legal prove/documentation for the function of the products, and not his title eighter as a spanish assosiate stated earlier.

Take Care and Beware..

Best regards

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