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Re: Gabrielle Brothers 'Alphabet Queen' #5
9/5/2007 2:00:35 AM
OMG, I was ready for bed Monica when I saw this, guess what I'm not sleeping any more.

I am so happy, I can't begin to tell you.  Wish you were here we would have a drink together.

I want to Thank you Monica for all that you do, you have brought life to Adland, without you we would all be just working and not having fun.  You are a wonderful, wonderful friend.

God Bless,

God Bless Everyone
Re: Gabrielle Brothers 'Alphabet Queen' #5
9/5/2007 2:32:15 AM
Dear Bj,

I can't believe my luck since I've met you. I'm so lucky and happy to have you as a friend. There is no words that I can find to tell you how much I think of you and appreciate you.

God Bless

God Bless Everyone
Re: Gabrielle Brothers 'Alphabet Queen' #5
9/5/2007 2:36:40 AM
Hello Valerie,

Thank you for being my friend.  The ABC Gang just ROCKS!!

God Bless

God Bless Everyone
Re: Gabrielle Brothers 'Alphabet Queen' #5
9/5/2007 2:43:56 AM
Hello Joe Baby,

I also know you had something to do with my shining moment!!!
I really value and appreciate your Friendship Joe Baby.  You are a lot of fun in the game.

God Bless

God Bless Everyone
Re: Gabrielle Brothers 'Alphabet Queen' #5
9/5/2007 2:47:57 AM
Mary, Mary quite contrary
What do you know
One of my best buddy

I really appreciate you Friendship Mary

God Bless

God Bless Everyone

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