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Mary Hofstetter

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Forum Threads where we can post Ads
9/2/2007 12:00:52 PM
Hi everyone, I have a forum that names ways to advertise in Adlandpro. There are many wonderful places and tools to use here in Adlandpro for Advertising. Spamming forums is not one of the opinions. As part of that forum, I listed forums where people could post. That was a mistake because it created threads where no one is invited. Now I need to replace with some suggested forum threads. I know of Katheryn H. free ad day, Valerie free advertising forum, Thinh advertising. I also have created one called Gold Rush Advertising. I will list those as suggestions. Can you name any others? I admit it is for a selfish reason as I am also looking for forum threads allowing ads. Remember I don't want your forum url, I want the thread url. Thanks for sharing your ideas.
Mose Hardy

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Re: Forum Threads where we can post Ads
9/2/2007 12:05:59 PM

Hi,Mary i tried to click on the link but it don't work?

but here is some more free advertising that works

Re: Forum Threads where we can post Ads
9/2/2007 12:27:23 PM

Hi there

Im sorry to say But I could not open that web site I received an error page. Just wanted to let you know . Try it yourself and see. Then please resend it to me. I would love to join.

Thank you


Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Forum Threads where we can post Ads
9/2/2007 12:59:15 PM
So far this is what I have. Could someone make more suggestions??? Forum Threads to post your ads (This is a no spam -safe area- ads are welcomed) Gold Rush Advertising-Mary Hofstetter, hostess Free Advertising Day- Look for threads with this title. Katheryn H aigler, hostess You Are Invited- Thinh Du, host Share with us: hostess, Monica
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Forum Threads where we can post Ads
9/2/2007 1:04:26 PM
ARTS AND CRAFTS ONLY Jenny SJ- angel lady, hostess Gosh, where is all the help. Where do you post your ads, in forum threads??