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Re: She Really Was A Traitor
9/2/2007 2:19:18 PM

BARBRA WALTERS' "100 Women of the Century." (Jane Fonda?)

Posted on 12/12/2006 12:03:41 PM PST by DogBarkTree

I got this in an email today and was hoping someone with more knowledge on the subject than me could verify if this account of her visit to a POW camp is true. If true, then Hanoi Hilton alumni should do the Swift Boat thing on Hanoi Jane.


Jane Fonda is being honored as one of the "100 Women of the Century." BY BARBRA WALTERS

Unfortunately, many have forgotten and still countless others have never known how Ms. Fonda betrayed not only the idea of our country, but specific men who served and sacrificed during Vietnam.

The first part of this is from an F-4E pilot

The pilot's name is Jerry Driscoll, a River Rat.

In 1968, the former Commandant of the USAF Survival School was a POW in Ho Lo Prison the "Hanoi Hilton."

Dragged from a stinking cesspit of a cell, cleaned, fed, and dressed in clean PJ's, he was ordered to describe for a visiting American "Peace Activist" the "lenient and humane treatment" he'd received.

He spat at Ms. Fonda, was clubbed, and was dragged away. During the subsequent beating, he fell forward on to the camp Commandant's feet, which sent that officer berserk.

In 1978, the Air Force Colonel still suffered from double vision (which permanently ended his flying career) from the Commandant's frenzied application of a wooden baton.

From 1963-65, Col. Larry Carrigan was in the 47FW/DO (F-4E's). He spent 6 years in the "Hanoi Hilton",,, the first three of which his family only knew he was "missing in action". His wife lived on faith that he was still alive. His group, too, got the cleaned-up, fed and clothed routine in preparation for a "peace delegation" visit. They, however, had time and devised a plan to get word to the world that they were alive and still survived. Each man secreted a tiny piece of paper, with his Social Security Number on it, in the palm of his hand.

When paraded before Ms. Fonda and a cameraman, she walked the line, shaking each man's hand and asking little encouraging snippets like: "Aren't you sorry you bombed babies?" and "Are you grateful for the humane treatment from your benevolent captors?" Believing this HAD to be an act, they each palmed her their sliver of paper. She took them all without missing a beat. At the end of the line and once the camera stopped rolling, to the shocked disbelief of the POWs, she turned to the officer in charge and handed him all the little pieces of paper.

Three men died from the subsequent beatings. Colonel Carrigan was almost number four but he survived, which is the only reason we know of her actions that day.

I was a civilian economic development advisor in Vietnam, and was captured by the North Vietnamese communists in South Vietnam in 1968, and held prisoner for over 5 years.

I spent 27 months in solitary confinement; one year in a cage in Cambodia; and one year in a "black box" in Hanoi. My North Vietnamese captors deliberately poisoned and murdered a female missionary, a nurse in a leprosarium in Ban me Thuot, South Vietnam, whom I buried in the jungle near the Cambodian border. At one time, I weighed only about 90 lbs. (My normal weight is 170 lbs.)

We were Jane Fonda's "war criminals."

When Jane Fonda was in Hanoi, I was asked by the camp communist political officer if I would be willing to meet with her.

I said yes, for I wanted to tell her about the real treatment we POWs received... and how different it was from the treatment purported by the North Vietnamese, and parroted by her as "humane and lenient."

Because of this, I spent three days on a rocky floor on my knees, with my arms outstretched with a large steel weights placed on my hands, and beaten with a bamboo cane.

I had the opportunity to meet with Jane Fonda soon after I was released. I asked her if she would be willing to debate me on TV. She never did answer me.

These first-hand experiences do not exemplify someone who should be honored as part of "100 Years of Great Women." Lest we forget..." 100 Years of Great Women" should never include a traitor whose hands are covered with the blood of so many patriots.

There are few things I have strong visceral reactions to, but Hanoi Jane's participation in blatant treason, is one of them. Please take the time to forward to as many people as you possibly can. It will eventually end up on her computer and she needs to know that we will never forget. RONALD D. SAMPSON, CMSgt, USAF 716 Maintenance Squadron, Chief of Maintenance DSN: 875-6431 COMM: 883-6343


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Re: She Really Was A Traitor
9/2/2007 2:22:15 PM
From:   Tom Hanton
Sent:   Thursday, April 29, 1999 5:22 PM

Just received this from a friend.  Not a lot of response time left,
though! I responded and encourage you to do same, thanks.

Barbara Walters can do better than this with all the great women in this
country of ours.>

OK all within reach of this Email and all your friends and all veterans that you can send this to. Just click and give Barbara Walter's your views and thoughts as to Jane "Hanoi" Fonda being featured/honored on her "100-Women of The Century" special. Remember if you want to have you e-mail read "BE PROFESSIONAL" say it with class and don't be vulgar and or insulting, just air your feelings.

I told Barbara, in my message:  "As a former American Prisoner of War, held in Hanoi, North Vietnam in 1972, I strongly take offense at any consideration of Ms. Jane Fonda for inclusion in the 100 Women of the Century. Her role in aiding and abetting our enemy by actively broadcasting her condemnation of our country and its servicemen, while on enemy soil, over the Voice of Vietnam was disgraceful and discouraging. She performed this on more than one occasion, while American servicemen and women were engaged in combat operations and held captive by a regime which failed to either follow or honor the Geneva Convention. I was personally FORCED to listen to her propaganda tapes while being interrogated by the North Vietnamese while in solitary confinement in the Hanoi Hilton. This treasonous activity DOES NOT merit recognition as 100 of the Century's greatest women - let alone what a model women should be. I will defend our right to free speech - but not the activities Ms. Fonda undertook during the Vietnam War."

Remember numbers of messages and quality of content count to get ABC's attention. So ask 10 people to do the same and ask them to ask 10 people to do the same. Remember 10x10 x10 adds up real fast to a lot of
messages. Post this on all Chat rooms and WEB Sites (Military) and media sites you can. This has to be a team effort and done now to give ABC a chance to react.

 I doubt if ABC will cut "Hanoi Jane" but if enough people write and we get other networks and or media sources to ask questions they may have to say something disclaim her "Hanoi Jane's" choice. Remember CNN's Ted
(Hanoi Jane's) Turner also said that Peter Arnett would not be fired...REMEMBER...Time is of importance "Do your part NOW!!!..if not for yourself, for those 58,000 that did not return.


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Re: She Really Was A Traitor
9/2/2007 2:43:30 PM

All of these post are copied and pasted, links at the bottom.  None of this is my writing.  Just so you know.
I think they should have hanged her along with all the other traitors that were crucified or hung!!!!   Bj


This responce does not mean I support or like Ms. Fonda. What she did by visiting North Vietnam during the war was treason.

This story I am responding to his pure trash and a Internet Hoax

The Bogus Jane Fonda Story

Claim: Jane Fonda betrayed U.S. POWs during the Viet Nam War.

Status: Multiple:
During a 1972 trip to North Vietnam, Jane Fonda propagandized on behalf of the North Vietnamese government, declared that American POWs were being treated humanely and condemned U.S. soldiers as "war criminals" and later denounced them as liars for claiming they had been tortured: True.

Jane Fonda handed over to their captors the slips of paper POWs pressed upon her: False.

In 1999, Jane Fonda was profiled in ABC's A Celebration: 100 Years of Great Women: True.

Mike McGrath, President of NAM-POWs, has also stepped forward to disclaim the story:
Please excuse the generic response, but I have been swamped with so many e-mails on the subject of the Jane Fonda article (Carrigan, Driscoll, strips of paper, torture and deaths of POWs, etc.) that I have to resort to this pre-scripted rebuttal. The truth is that most of this never happened. This is a hoax story placed on the internet by unknown Fonda haters. No one knows who initiated the story. Please assist by not propagating the story. Fonda did enough bad things to assure her a correct place in the garbage dumps of history. We don't want to be party to false stories, which could be used as an excuse that her real actions didn't really happen either. I have spoken with all the parties named: Carrigan, Driscoll, et al. They all state that this particular internet story is a hoax and they wish to disassociate their names from the false story.


14 August 2006 06:21 PM Hide Post
She rears her ugly head every so often. I would love to urinate on her grave: however, I don't want to stand in line.
As for the spitting on returning veterans...I was in the Atlanta airport in the late 60's and some long haired hippy freak spit on me. I imagine he remembers until this day to NEVER spit on a soldier. Cops came, he was bleeding and screaming. They were saying I attempted murder, when the cops asked me what happened I said "He fell down, which wasn't a lie."
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Re: She Really Was A Traitor
9/2/2007 3:05:25 PM
Hi Bj

As I have already mention, i personally do not believe that Jane Fonda should either be offered or accept this award, in light of her past actions.

I am not amongst the group of people that believe that ALL her political campaigns were wrong.  And Equally I do not see a protester against a War as anti American or unpatriotic.  aren't they just excercising their freedom of speech too.

However, reading on - I am also reminding that . The word Traitor is a very ugly one.   Jane Fonda seems to have  grown up and is more circumspect in her choice of causes.  Her erronous behaviour during that period will follow her all her life and can never be undone.  But  It would be sad to see this forum turn into a hate forum. 
Hate breeds hate and as Tomas points out - traitor is a very subjective label.

Just a few thoughts after following the forum.

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Re: She Really Was A Traitor
9/2/2007 3:19:41 PM

Hi Jenny

Thank you for coming back by on your views of Jane Fonda.  I have been doing some research, and found these post on several websites, and decided to bring these to the attention to all.

I personally think she should have been shot/executed when this happend, like all other traitors before her.  But, I'm just a US citizen, what would I know.

Thanks Jenny for you input.




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