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Word of the Day - Egregious - Aug. 31, 2007
8/31/2007 4:55:38 AM

Word of the Day for Friday, August 31, 2007

egregious \ih-GREE-juhs\, adjective:

Conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible.

But by failing to understand the asymmetry of commitment between the United States and the Vietnamese communists, they paved the way for committing the most egregious error a country going to war can make: underestimating the adversary's capacity to prevail while overestimating one's own.
-- Jeffrey Record, The Wrong War
Mr. Gordon says he does not particularly like President Clinton, who also gets lavished with high job-approval ratings despite egregious personal acts.
-- Maureen Dowd, "Streetcar Named Betrayal.", New York Times, February 24, 1999

Egregious derives from Latin egregius, separated or chosen from the herd, from e-, ex-, out of, from + grex, greg-, herd, flock. Egregious was formerly used with words importing a good quality (that which was distinguished "from the herd" because of excellence), but now it is joined with words having a bad sense. It is related to congregate (to "flock together," from con-, together, with + gregare, to assemble, from grex); segregate (from segregare, to separate from the herd, from se-, apart + gregare); and gregarious (from gregarius, belonging to a flock). Entry and Pronunciation for egregious


Flag of Monica S

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Re: Word of the Day - Egregious - Aug. 31, 2007
8/31/2007 10:46:49 AM

Woo hoo! Easy sentence for today!

JOE IS egregious! LOL :) :P



Flag of Bj Burgess

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Re: Word of the Day - Egregious - Aug. 31, 2007
8/31/2007 5:38:01 PM

Hey Monica

Are you trying to provoke Joe?  LOL

thanks for coming by


Flag of Mary Hannan

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Re: Word of the Day - Egregious - Aug. 31, 2007
8/31/2007 5:42:36 PM
Hey Bj,
This brings someone to mind! I will leave it at that.
Flag of Nick Sym

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Re: Word of the Day - Egregious - Aug. 31, 2007
8/31/2007 5:57:14 PM

Have You Herd !

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