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Marketing online
8/28/2007 9:03:47 PM

Marketing online requires know how in network marketing, meaning that you must have some strategies as to how market your business. Some suggested strategies are: posting to forums, blogging, submitting articles, submitting your url to directories, etc.  I recently learned about these marketing techniques and at first I was very skeptical, but I have recently discovered that they do work.  I have been getting some great results using these techniques.

Thanks for letting me share....

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Re: Marketing online
8/29/2007 12:06:45 AM
Hello Ms. Lawren and welcome to AdlandPro.

You have touched the basics here to advertising and name branding and this is good. I feel network describes people and their connections with you and marketing being they know what you are about and will point business in your direction for those that need or look for your product/services. This also means you have to be prepared with your business plan, all research done, website and blog ready and payment processing available. There are other tasks involved, ie. tax office, business registry and all.

Alot of people come into this with no concept other than I'm gonna get paid. These are the ones that will fail for sure.

I always recommend for one to get a mentor and learn from them. The same as one would go to college for a degree to become a scientist or historian. You need training to be successful.

Again, welcome to AdlandPro.

Re: Marketing online
8/29/2007 10:43:47 PM

Hey Kenneth I agree, having a Mentor really be of some help to a new person who is just beginning online.  I've personally learned just from reading information from top marketers online and all have said pretty much the same thing when it comes to marketing online.  GEt a website, blog, submit articles, and do all this with consistency and persistence.  I'm a firm believer in these techniques and I know they work.  Alot of people give up after 30-90 days of no results not realizing that it all take time.


Hope this helps,




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network marketing
2/4/2008 3:49:28 AM
From this i came to know about marketing online and how to earn by internet marketing.The internet is becoming popular in order to become more efficient and effective in whatever business you're in. You may not be in network marketing or you may be looking for one to join, but know that network marketing internet systems can make a huge contribution to your financial success.
Re: Marketing online
2/4/2008 3:51:59 AM
You're right it does take time. I get people calling me from time to time after reading articles i've done. So it does work, but you have to be consistent and work your plan. Corrisa