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Flag of Pauline Raina

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Come Vote for the Best Forum Award: August
8/26/2007 12:13:35 PM



                               To inspire and reward !       


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Hi friends,

Well the BFA has changed hands again, and  now its me trying to do my best here. I so look forward to working with you all to make this forum a positive experience. Its over  a year since I've been here at Adland, and the time spent here and the friends made,  the knowledge gained has been tremendeous. Lets all encourage each other to be our best, and work together for this community that we take so much from.

Voting for the 'Best Forum August 2007' begins now, and ends on Sept; 1st; we have an awesome line up of 8 nominees, and a cash prize of $200/- to be won !!  Voting will help us to narrow down  to the 5 best forums we are looking for this month.

Winners of each months award can look forward to the 'Best Forum of the Year Award'  with a grand  prize of $1000/-!!!!!

Bogdan says:

"The BFA role is to inspire and reward members who bring quality, consistency and professionalism to this community. "

"Today we have also brought under discussion one additional criteria which would be based on voting.
Initial name for this criteria would be "Top Voted Forum" and would be receiving from 1 to 5 points where top voted forum would receive 5 points, the second 4 and so on. This way members who have lots of friends and create lots of discussions get rewarded for bringing visitors to our site."

This new criteria would have 16% influence on the final mark.

So get all your friends to come vote !!!

Here are the list of nominees:-


1) Artshow original arts and crafts from Adland

Forum for the arts, Painting, crafts etc. Let's share our talent.

Forum Owner: Rose Enderud


This Forum is dedicated to the women, past and present, who have made a special contribution to society. This is for you who have gone the extra mile for your fellow man.

Forum Owner: TC4 Women



3) Something To Make You Smile

Laughter and Inspiration For All My Adland Pro Family. Hope this puts a big :-) on your face and perhaps you will learn something as well. Please, No Advertising In This Forum except signature files

Forum Owner: Marion Tucker



4) Tell us about You and what you do. What Business you are in and if you have more money coming in than going out in your business yet.

Forum Owner: Sam Hall


 5) Inspirations of Samiplus

Inspirational notes, comments, stories, poems, and reports to keep you ever-ready to strive towards the path of success. Note: Defamatory comments shall be removed and the writer banned.

Forum Owner: Sam Sunday


6) To Your Health: Keeping healthy through different aspects in our lives!

Staying healthy involves many aspects: water, food, attitude, stress, friends and finances. A little bit of it all can be found here. Home of the Unofficial Adland Bulletin Board.

Forum Owner: Joe Downing


 7) Always One Step Ahead

Pls.share your Business,get Information about B'days,"This Day In History",Awards & Votings,Help Topic for Adland and more.I hope you're having FUN & pls.invite me as a friend before posting.

Forum Owner: Janet Ravindran


8) Making a difference

Forum designed for those who want to make a difference in the world by sharing ideas and opportunities!

Forum Owner: Terry Gorley


Good luck to all the nominees, may the best one win!

warm regards

Pauline Raina

"we make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give"

Duane Hulse


8 forums have been nominated above for BFA, August. The 5 most voted forums will go on to the judging round.
Artshow original arts and crafts from Adland - (0)
Something To Make You Smile - (24)
Tell us about You and what you do. - (10)
Inspirations of Samiplus - (6)
To Your Health: Keeping healthy - (13)
Always One Step Ahead - (10)
Making a difference - (12)
This poll has expired.
Total Votes: 87

Please login to vote.
Flag of La Nell !

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Re: Come Vote for the Best Forum Award: August
8/26/2007 12:22:06 PM
Hi All, :-) Thank you Pauline and great job! I voted for the BFA. LaNell 8)
Flag of Pauline Raina

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Re: Come Vote for the Best Forum Award: August
8/26/2007 12:29:34 PM

Hi LaNell,

Thanks for being the first to vote and post too !!

Now go tellyour friends too to come in and vote, some really deserving nominees here. Awesome!!


Pauline R


Flag of Sharon Lee

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Re: Come Vote for the Best Forum Award: August
8/26/2007 12:30:48 PM

All voted Pauline...;-) Thank you for the shout!!!!

Love ya!

Peace & Prayer.

  LOOK what BJ gave me. Isnt it a wonderful signature!!! Thanks BJ!!!!!!!

Flag of Pauline Raina

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Re: Come Vote for the Best Forum Award: August
8/26/2007 12:36:38 PM
Hey there pretty lady, you are as pretty as your name !!!

Luv u loads too !!! thanks for the vote and all the support you are always to me,

many blessings, hope you have news from hubby,

in my prayers

Pauline R

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