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Mary Hofstetter

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8/26/2007 10:40:58 PM
A divorce and moving back to my home area had been the way to dissolve an unfortunate relationship with a disloyal husband. The healing for me seemed to take forever with the hurt festering for years. One night in dispare, I cried out to God to help me as I was feeling so lonely and despondant. I poured my heart out with cries, wailing, and a lot of tears. While sitting on the edge of the bed crying I felt the presence of a body leaning against my right side. I could feel the pressure of arms around my shoulders and around my back. It was a hug!!!! Something unknown was sitting beside me. I did not feel afraid and suddenly a great peace came over me as if all the hurt had been washed away. The emense pain never returned and I went on to rebuild my life.
Roger Macdivitt .

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8/27/2007 2:19:47 AM


That was wonderful.

What a comfort.

I have some others and a reply to do for Arthur when I find time.


8/30/2007 12:53:35 PM
Hi Mary! Long time since I posted anything...but this seems to be such a perfect venue for someone who embraces the unique occurrences and serendipity of life! I'm certainly not embarassed to share some of those experiences...let me share with all of you, perhaps one of the most blatant examples of other forces active in our realm and perhaps even an example of how we create our own realities. Many years ago My oldest child passed away from a genetic disorder...within a few short months my son had to have surgery for a lump which thankfully was non-cancerous, and I miscarried another little girl, and separated from my husband. That miscarriage was so bad that I was told at 22 years old that the liklihood of ever getting pregnant again was slim to none and even if I did I'd certainly never be able to carry to term...there was simply too much damage. Reeling from so much in so short a time, on the verge (perhaps in the middle) of a nervous breakdown, I began going to the cemetary and visiting with my daughter every day. I asked her to help me if she could. I didn't want my son to grow up alone...I wanted another baby...never to replace her but perhaps to fill the huge empty space she had left behind and to give her brother company. I asked her if she did this, to please give me a sign that it was her doing. 4 1/2 months later I went to the doctor because I couldn't shake this horrendous stomach flu...I never get sick so nervous wasn't even the operative was terror... imagine my surprise when every test came back fine and the doctor suggested one more just to see...imagine my surprise when the same doctor who said I could never have another baby came back to tell me I was pregnant!! Despite many conversations with him where he insisted I terminate the pregnancy because it could kill me, I insisted I would do nothing to interfere with this pregnancy. Genetic tests were done and I was told that it would take 2 weeks for the they never come back early. A week later, my son, then 3 years old, woke up one morning to tell me that his sister had come and sat on his bed and told him we were having a girl baby....she was our gift and her name was Angelique, but we had to call her Angel because she was the Angel baby. Coming out of his tiny little lisping mouth it sounded surreal but as I believe in all possibilities, I took him at his word. That morning after dropping him at the sitter and going to work, I got a phone calll from the doctor's office. Those tests that never came back early were in....I was having a perfectly healthy..."baby girl" I finished...Yees the nurse said surprised....did I have a name??? Oh yes....angelique but we gots to call her Angel...I Josh mimicked. I called him at his sitters to tell him and all he could say sounding exasperated was "I told you my sister said!! Today Angel is 19 years old and the mother of my only grandson, a beautiful boy named Isaiah.... not kidding folks....really happened. Hope you enjoyed it! Tracey Nadeau Reeling
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8/30/2007 1:48:41 PM
Just a small addendum for the story...I forgot to let you know that Shayna was pronounced at 10 am on a Saturday morning 2 days after Thanksgiving. 2 years to the day later, Angel was born 2 days after Thanksgiving at 9:55 am. I couldn't have planned that if I had tried. I guess Shayna believed in signs with red flashing neon letters! She obviosly didn't want me to miss what she had done LOL! :) Tracey
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8/31/2007 6:39:36 AM
Hi Roger! You're right ...magic it was and magic it has always been...Angel has been the Angel baby her whole life. She is the only one of my children to graduate and will be going to college this would appear that her blessing continues. :) As for Isaiah...well he's a joy all his own. He is the only boy in a family that seems bent on populating the earth with little girls, lol! All his cousins are little girls who adore him and his Nonna thinks the universe is a pretty fantasic place because of him. He lives with me...along with 4 other grandchildren...I am blessed for all that came before now. Everything happens for a reason and where I am and what I have, was born of the tragedies of then. At this point in my life, with more understanding of myself and the realities we create for ourselves, I can see that what occurred had to happen the way it did to bring me here now. I appreciate the magic of life in a way many don't...for that I am greatful. Have a wonderful day and thanks for your words of encouragement. Tracey
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