
Gueler Wilkins

53 Posts
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10 Reasons why You should join this Business
8/25/2007 7:19:23 PM

Let's talk about 10 Reasons why you should join My Power Mall:

1 – Save Gas. This one is a no-brainer. If you don’t have to drive to buy something, you just saved money.

2 – Save Time. This should be a no-brainer as well. If you don’t have to leave your house and drive to the store, wait in line, or deal with traffic – you’ve saved a lot of time. Time you can spend doing something you enjoy a lot more!

3 – Save Money. You can often find great deals online that you can’t find in the stores. Why? Because the store doesn’t have the same expense of a retail “brick & mortar” location, sales people, etc. They’re just shipping things from a warehouse. They are able to pass the savings on to the consumer – YOU!

4 – Things delivered right to your door. Our Founder, Ginny Dye, experienced this first hand during a huge snow storm in November of 2006. She was preparing to leave on a 3 week trip and had gone on her Mall to order luggage, shoes, and clothing. She was thrilled with her savings but began to be nervous about whether they would be delivered. She couldn’t leave her house because of the snowy roads and most local businesses were closed. 2 days before she was to leave, right on time, a UPS truck equipped with chains, came rumbling down her road and delivered big boxes full of her purchases – right to her door!

5 – Always the right size & color. Instead of going to the store and discovering they don’t have the size & color you want, or they are sold out of that model, etc., you will have access to their entire warehouse!

6– Reduce Greenhouse Emissions. Yes, we here at MPM are committed to preserving our environment. Online shopping will put fewer cars on the road, thus fewer carbon emissions into our atmosphere. And that can only be a good thing

7- You earn rebates on the shopping of people underneath you; 9 levels deep and unlimited width. But the keyword is "earn". Like all legitimate opportunities, it takes some effort on your part to get your Business up and running. I'd love to earn a small percentage of everyone who shops at our local Mall. Same concept here! We can all earn rebates on the shopping of thousands of people.

8- You can help a lot of people. This is a big deal to me because of my involvement with TWCCTW and T-Day. There are many many affiliate and network marketing programs on the Internet. Some have been very good. Others have been a waste of my time. With My Power Mall I am confident I will help a lot of people.

9- Everyone shops so you never run out of prospects. Niche marketing is good because there is a specific need and interest, but it is limited. A shopping mall with over 1000 stores offers a huge opportunity to get paid a rebate on the purchase of literally millions of different products.

10- No selling is involved. Many people fail at affiliate marketing and network marketing because they can not sell or recruit people to sell. With My Power Mall all you do is shop and give away free shopping malls. If you can not do that there probably isn't a lot of hope for you to make extra money outside of your job.

I know I could keep writing, but I won't. You may have other reasons to join My Power Mall. I hope you do. At the very least watch the My Power Mall video and make the decision to sign up. It is a very quick way to get your own shopping mall and start creating your financial independence.

You need more Info? Please take a look at my Business Blog

I am here to help you in anyway I can. Have a wonderful day!



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