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Flag of Evelyn Luinenburg

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Tell us about You and what you do. What Business you are in and if you have more money coming in than going out in your business yet.
8/22/2007 4:10:59 PM
Hello everyone: After a long absence I am now resurfacing. As you know or if you did not know, I am new to internet marketing (since June 07). What I smartly did was to subscribe to freebies which in a sense is good. The situation which arose however, is that I had so much information coming and I was so busy with all these affiliates etc. I was unable to really concentrate on any in particular I really found myself in a "sea of getting rich" articles and promotions. I have now just got to that point where I have decided what I really wish to subscribe to and am trying to get these programs together and functioning, but in the interim, do I have to say I really became confused. I have not as yet started making any money, but there is one program which I would like you to visit, my website is The concept is perfect and very viable. In the meantime, please be sure to visit my primary website http://www.healthygoals to get additional information about the excellent health supplements and environmentally sensitive home,cleaning and beauty products I am marketing. Do look forward to being on forums more now than before and thanks to all my many friends in Adland Community. Evelyn
Thanks to all for your hand of friendship. It is most appreciated. Evelyn
Re: Tell us about You and what you do. What Business you are in and if you have more money coming in than going out in your business yet.
8/28/2007 11:51:06 PM


I am truly surprised there is only ONE response here. People need to share what their Busineses are, why they are here, what they hope to get from here and support.

Support is something we all need as many struggle (irregardless of ones knowledge, problems can hold one back) and that support, helpful advice from another memer can be helpful. Unity is a BIG deal and we need it.

I am here to help anyone who needs, wants or cares to speak with me. I lack funds but am rich in knowledge. I have been doing the IT deal since 99 and everyday I like you learn more. My current Business is:

A Digital Software Products Site that I currently need help with. I own the Butterfly marketing Script (GIFT FROM CLOSE FRIEND) and one day will put it to good use. I am waiting to either earn the funds with current site and Promos, or when my settlement comes through (as i have been studying "Stock Trading", (never waste time) and will use some of that money to put a staff together, a decent and reliable budget and go to work.

My current site needs support...members and helpers. If interested PM me. If you need anything, help with your own stuff I am here and will help anyway I can.

I would like to see more input in this catagory, it is time to form unity and help one another.

Regards my friends,

Laurie B.

336 734 3661

Warm Regards, Laurie Brandt, Web Affiliate Pro Commision Killer (video)
Flag of Neil Sperling

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Re: Tell us about You and what you do. What Business you are in and if you have more money coming in than going out in your business yet.
8/28/2007 11:59:30 PM

My Easy Promoter is a GREAT secondary business that IS earning me money every month... plus other links that ARE generating me traffic - they need promoting but they work!

Send me One Million FREE Guaranteed Visitors

My Easy Promoter
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Don't forget - FREE Trial !!!
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Also - let your hits climb this tower!


Flag of Richard Boyle

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Re: Tell us about You and what you do. What Business you are in and if you have more money coming in than going out in your business yet.
9/1/2007 11:11:56 AM

Hi Laurie:

I'm Richard Boyle

This is one of my many businesses:  It is launching TODAY and is going like  free hotcakes.  I have earned money from this already and it is just launching.  I am five levels down from owner.

Hi ! Everyone Who Seeks Knowledge

For what it is worth I have a MAGNIFICANT offer. I am soo… excited about it I cannot speak enough. It can be a life changing event for everyone. I signed up 14 days ago and there were approximately 700 members. Aug. 01/07 there are over 1000. Let the below speak for itself and have a good day.

IF you decide to join this company, join it, send to a few of your personal contacts and then leave it. Go back to your business. This is simply something that could move really fast and make all of us some money while our other business is building.

The products are a package of financial, medical and legal protection services. All things that each of us need- It's a 3x6 Forced matrix with about 1000 people in the company at Aug. 01/07. They have an online marketing system that will move very fast; I think. Well it is now !!

The name of the company is Personal Freedom Plus. All New Members I Sign Up Will Go Beneath You...And You'll Get Paid on 6 Levels of Them With NO SPONSORING REQUIRED ON YOUR PART! YOU CAN SPONSOR IF YOU WISH MORE MONEY ! !

As a member you will have FREE access to the MOST VALUABLE and PROACTIVE Family & Asset Protection Services ever offered in one package, along with the most powerful home-based business opportunity in the industry. This INCREDIBLE COMPANY gives their members (average people) access to top Identity Theft Protection & Recovery Specialists, CPA’s, Attorneys, Doctors/Nurses, Health/Wellness Coaches, Life Coaches, Financial Experts & Credit Counselors! These are the same professionals that the wealthy have been using for years to protect what they have and value most!

Like all of you I do networking to earn money. The way I look at it is that it could either earn us all some real fast money and a decent monthly income while we build our primary business or the worse case scenario is it bombs and we're out the $72 or $82 it cost to get started plus 1 month fees of $32.00 or $42.00 which equals about $100 over two months. But we will have had the services alone which is way more than that. I think it's going to be one of those things that we look back on and think:

Wow, we got lucky there!




Free Tour->

Free tour Too,-->

If you need any information after this letter call me or e- mail me at .

Personally I signed-up and got my daughter to sign-up. I really believe in this and you should too. I have signed up over 5 people at Aug 01/07.


Written 01/08/07

To Your Sucess In Life and Business Yours faithfully Richard Boyle USER NAME : thinkkatemall htt
Flag of Richard Boyle

Flag of 33 Posts
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Re: Tell us about You and what you do. What Business you are in and if you have more money coming in than going out in your business yet.
9/1/2007 11:44:27 AM

Hi Evelyn:  

     I am Richard Boyle and I have a website from Adland Pro.  It shows most of the businesses that I am in. The website is

However the 3 best are :

     One is Personal Freedom Plus.  Take a tour at: and Another tour at and a discussion of pros and cons on my domain at

     The second is a shoppig mall.  No it is not my power mall.  You can shop for almost everything including cosmetics of every kind.  Health wellness/supplements, coffee, groceries, water, electronics, legal downloads, office supplies, toys and games, prescription medications, womens clothes, kids clothes mexican groceries, and so on etc ...  all at http:// and at http://www.thinkkatemall/fscstore which has amazing pricing.

     The third is a program(very inexpensive) a system which can be used on any business for automating some of your workload.  It comes with full instructions and can be viewed at  It is GREAT for saving a lot of time.

The rest of my businesses are on  consisting of free and paid for advertising, free guaranteed signups,autosponders, free email blasters, free classifieds. etc.  There are also a couple more business opportunities and they all make money.  However each and every opportunity is to duplicate, refer or invest time and energy and advertising.  The amounts that you apply of each will mean your success or defeat. 

Yours faithfully.

Richard Boyle   


To Your Sucess In Life and Business Yours faithfully Richard Boyle USER NAME : thinkkatemall htt

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