
Who hasn't heard of Pat Haines? (scam also)
8/22/2007 10:45:59 AM

on the same note....... and just for a heads up

I get about 3 per year.... a letter from PAT HAINES

it's an official looking envelope, and inside of coarse, tells you you've won a large dollar amount........ and tells you to call a certain phone number.

after the first couple, and just tossing them anyway, I decided to check on the name and phone number.

beleive me,,,,,,, just type Pat Haines into your search line, and it spits out so many posts about the Pat Haines scam,,,,,,,,,, you couldn't even possibly read them all !!

also worked when I simply typed in the phone number into google search.

THAT should be first step whenever you want to verify some kind of potential scam

even calling the number they list somehow activates a scam............. as if it is some kind of permission code, that allows them access to your phone number, whereas their long distance charges get billed to your number,,,,,,,,,,,,

just because you dialed the number on the scam envelope

all you can do is BEWARE................ and remember

1 - winning something should not cost you anything to collect it

and    2 - there are people that spend their entire existence working on ways to get your money , for nothing  ( through scams )

thanks for this post

Dennis R


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