Anytime someone joins a program that involves downlines, groups, teams or something similar and there is a membership fee, joining fee, donation, gifting, 1up or 2up or anything similar you are running the risk of being involved in some kind of Ponzi or Pyramid Scheme. Each and every person is to do their own DUE DILIGENCE to see what they are joining. Just because your best friend says will not hold up in court when you face a judge.
Due Diligence is not just checking or running a business name or owner's name thru a Google search and nothing comes up dirty. You have to look at the program/offer/service and compare it to regulations, government rulings, affiliations, payment processing, product validity and more. Check the registry for the various registrations the company may have, their contact info and office location(s). Check the company's Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, Conditions and any other guidelines they set BEFORE joining. If they do not disclose this freely without joining then you better run away.
Check with the BBB if they offer business in the US or Canada and any other applicable agencies in any other state. Check for product shipping into your country if tangible product. Check for embargos imposed on certain countries by your country.
Just because a program/business is easy and cheap to join on the internet doesn't mean NOT to treat it like a business. If you were going to pay large sums to open a brick and mortar business you bet your sweet bottom that you would take time to research the deal before you shelled out any money to get involved.
An example could be a Hookah Shop. If your jurisdiction says Hookahs are contraban then it would be a waste to open a shop just to have it shut down for violations. (Hookahs are known as a smoking device used with blended tobaccos and also used by people that smoke illegal substances. So, communities have set rules for businesses whether legal or illegal to sell this item. Again, due diligence.) The same applies on the internet.
Here is a site that defines well about Ponzi, Pyramid and other Fraud Schemes. Please read and be informed., there is no difference if you make your money from a bad business model or if you sell drugs ... both are illegal.
Kenneth R Sword Jr