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Word of the Day - Indurate - Aug 21, 2007
8/21/2007 5:31:00 AM

Word of the Day for Tuesday, August 21, 2007

indurate \IN-dur-it; -dyur-\, adjective:

1. Physically or morally hardened; unfeeling; stubborn.
2. To make hard; to harden.
3. To harden against; to make hardy; to habituate.
4. To make hardened; to make callous or stubborn.
5. To establish; to fix firmly.
6. To grow hard; to harden.
7. To become established or fixed.

They are completely indurate. They aren't hard-nosed; they live without any sense of malice. There is no time or need for others.
-- John Stone, "Evil in the Early Cinema of Oliver Stone", Journal of Popular Film and Television, Summer 2000
First off, the avoid-terminal-prepositions rule is the invention of one Fr. R. Lowth, an eighteenth-century British preacher and indurate pedant who did things like spend scores of pages arguing for hath over the trendy and degenerate has.
-- David Foster Wallace, "Tense Present", Harper's Magazine, April 2001
New findings in science point toward a buoyant view of our being: one in which life is favored, not improbable, and the universe a welcoming place, not an indurate domain.
-- Gregg Easterbrook, "Science sees the light", New Republic, October 12, 1998
Only an exceptionally strong personality or a criminal indurated by bitter experience can withstand prolonged, skillful interrogation in silence.
-- Charles E. O'Hara and Gregory L. O'Hara, Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation
The terrain he walked over still looked like sand, but the sand was cemented together, firm as concrete. Indurated soil.
-- Geoffrey A. Landis, Mars Crossing
But "hard cheeses indurate, soft cheeses collapse." (Flaubert's Parrot). People don't change, they set in.
-- Antonia Quirke, "Jack of all trades", New Statesman, October 29, 2001

Indurate is derived from the past participle of Latin indurare, from in-, intensive prefix + durare, "to harden," from durus, "hard." Entry and Pronunciation for indurate

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Re: Word of the Day - Indurate - Aug 21, 2007
8/21/2007 8:51:14 AM

HAHAHA Thanks Bj you just gave me a new word to describe my best friend. I was tired of using stubborn and obstinate LOL He will be thrilled <evil grin>.


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Re: Word of the Day - Indurate - Aug 21, 2007
8/21/2007 8:53:09 AM
    Thanks BJ, I am filing this one for future use!

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Re: Word of the Day - Indurate - Aug 21, 2007
8/21/2007 10:04:37 AM
Hi BJ, Various forms of 'indurate' are used in medical descriptions, also - such as the hard swelling that sometimes occurs with bruises. 'The tissue was discolored and indurated'. Thanks for giving me some mental exercise!
Re: Word of the Day - Indurate - Aug 21, 2007
8/21/2007 11:34:05 AM
Thank you BJ for this forum and for feeding my brain!
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