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Flag of Thinh Du

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PayPal account!
8/19/2007 6:48:09 PM
When you signup for PayPal, you can start accepting credit card payments instantly. As the world's number one online payment service, PayPal is the fastest way to open your doors to over 100 million member accounts worldwide.
Best of all, it's completely free to sign up!
To sign up or learn more, click here:
Flag of James Rundell jr

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Re: PayPal account!or holding house!!???
8/19/2007 6:58:49 PM

A PayPal account is an easy and effective way to get into accepting credit cards and other payment options. Note a couple of things, You should be aware of their limitations. As you know, they are controlled by EBAY now. So they limit larger transfers and if there is ever a question of your business being anywhere close to a matrix , mlm or similar program, even if it isn't and up for review ., they will FREEZE YOUR ACCOUNT without your immediate notification so you can choose alternate methods. Until you satisfy their criteria for active status again they can tie your funds up for six months or more!  Just thought people should know a few facts. Processing and security is excellent and I would recommend them but know who you accept monies from.

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Flag of Lee Smith

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Re: PayPal account!or holding house!!??? - well try this one on for size!
8/19/2007 7:28:34 PM

Here is an alternative - and guess what?  it's free - no charges here:

Flag of Beryl Payton

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Re: PayPal account!
8/19/2007 9:47:17 PM

Hi Thinh,

I hear what you say, but I am very sceptical about paypal now.  I have a paypal account and have for years.  Since a while ago, I started getting notifications about transactions with ebay and they tried to get money out of me through paypal. 

I have never had a ebay account, nor dealth with ebay whatsoever.  I continue getting messages from ebay that I brought something and needed to pay it through paypal, tried to email them back to let them know I don't know anything about ebay, anyone associated with ebay and never placed a order through them and they kept closing my account and harrassing me. I called them took them forever to respond and then they said they would check into it and in the meantime they suspended my account. (Total harrassment)

I ended up closing my business acccount with paypal and lost funds there and had to open a personal only account with them, now and being harrassed there too.

I think I will be need to go somewhere else, they went into my credit card account so I had to cancel it, changed it to my bank account and then they started messing with it.  I am not fond of paypal at all.  If I were not a true Christian I would be able to say at this point I even hate them for all the abuse I have been through with them.



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Flag of Thinh Du

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Re: PayPal account!or holding house!!???
8/19/2007 10:24:27 PM

Hi James,

Thanks for sharing...

I heard about this, Paypal is still good for some one likes to do business on EBay.





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