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Bill Brown

480 Posts
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I have had it with Adlandpro!
8/19/2007 3:31:43 PM

Time for a statement.

I have been in Adland for almost a year. In that time I have made some friends and to them I say you are and will remain my friends and what follows is not directed to you.

I have come to the conclusion that  I am totally wasting my time here in Adlandpro.

It does not matter if I send out a post notification that has useful information in it  or I send out an ad I get removals after each post.

I calculate that  if I make between 10 and 20 more posts then I will have only  half a dozen or so left  as members of the forum.  

I could understand it if I was doing as most do and blasting the crap out of everyone two, three, four, or more times a day as some do.

But when  the number of posts I make it restricted to about 2 to 4 a month I have to ask why? I see by the number of views of my posts that less than half even bother to find out what I posted. As for feed back that is none existant, and I can only assume that is because posts have to be approved to prevent the spam adicted from abusing the forum.

I will be very supprised if that many even read this. I have always read every message that has come into my mail box, and some days that has been around the 30 to 50. If it did not interest me fine but the point it i stll had the manners to read it.

I will continue to keep a presence here, and I will check the account every two or 3 days, but I am going to direct my energies where they are doing some good.

I wish everyone the best of luck, and good health.



Re: I have had it with Adlandpro!
8/19/2007 3:36:01 PM

Hello Bill:

I trust that you will share with us the other business sites you promote thru. I would be more than happy to have our staff follow you there and begin a presence within.

All the best,

Joe Buccheri

The world of advertising and marketing is one where ethics and fair play abound.
Monica S

5971 Posts
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Re: I have had it with Adlandpro!
8/19/2007 3:38:12 PM

Hello Bill,

I am so sorry that you feel this way.  You say you have been a member almost a year?

You have only made a total of 300 posts..

So my opinion is, you have to get out in adland, and make yourself known.. frequent others forums and make friends.

It is then, that you will you see your traffic to your forum increase.

Wishing you the best in what ever that you do! :)



Bill Brown

480 Posts
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Re: I have had it with Adlandpro!
8/19/2007 3:51:03 PM

Hi Monica,

I have taken part in other forums. I post when I have something I think is worth saying  I do not go round posting my ads in every forum I can find as some do.

I do not go round  posting  "thanks for the information" or  "Very interesting" or some other glib one liner as some do  just to boost their  postings.

I do not dash from forum to forum  posting the same thing as many times as i can in as short a time as possible  as i have seen being done while I have been logged in here doing this post. The same person has posted the same post  now at least 4 times and I think its actually more.


Sharon Lee

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Re: I have had it with Adlandpro!
8/19/2007 3:56:52 PM

Hi Bill, It always saddens me when I read things like this. Adlandpro is a community for marleters and friends. I feel as Monica has stated.

You have to promote your identity along with what you beleive in too!! Thats what we do.

See, I am here reading your post,,,Have you been to other forums reading?

Let your self be known to everyone...;-) If you need any help Bill, Just PM Me.

Peace, Sharon
