Thank you Georgios for your support post. I am starting a Ubiee testimonial page. Please post there also in support of our great team work. I have been Paid twice already!!
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8/17--Accept this payment, convert it to $11.31 USD, and transfer it to my U.S. Dollar Balance.
8/18 - Accept this payment, convert it to $6.58 USD, and transfer it to my U.S. Dollar Balance.
Get in NOW everyone. Be at the top with UBIEE!!!
CONTRIBUTIONAL MARKETING !!! Never heard of it before?
Now is the time to find out it!
The UBIEE ENVIRO PROJECT uses contributional marketing to help YOU to build a residual income whilst raising awareness of environmental issues.
The UBIEE ENVIRO PROJECT is your gateway opportunity not only to help the environment and spread the word, but it will also give you an access to a plethora of valuable marketing tools and services.
The UBIEE ENVIRO PROJECT will help you to build a