
New Opportunity!
8/16/2007 3:41:22 PM

AWESOME Opportunity Call  

212-990-6627        recorded call

ENVP Julie Newcomb interviews Bo Short

The first few minutes are choppy but it gets better!


Bo Short has appeared on Oprah and Dateline NBC.  He has evaluated thousands of network companies and felt they were all the same.  Bob Burg invited him to evaluate one more.... ARBONNE!

Bo explains why Arbonne is completely unique and different from any other company in the industry...

more like a “Needle in a Haystack”


The hardest part of Network Marketing is not doing the work...

the hardest part is finding the right company


99% of companies in this industry suffer from one of these 5 flaws


1.    Product- Must be a product focused opportunity- most are not!

Value- Most network marketing companies offer over priced products.  Arbonne does not (see attached)

Opportunity is a result of the product not the other way around!


2.  Corporate Leadership- Our leaders understand how to expand globally and communicate affectively.

Rita has heart and Bob has impeccable leadership experience. They are the greatest one two punch any company could have.


3.  Field Leadership- Many companies make a great business in selling training materials to people.

Arbonne focuses on selling products not training!!!


4.  Compensation- 99.9% of the people in this industry don’t understand. The whole purpose behind network marketing is to help the average person make money.  Most have compensation plans that appeal to (heavy hitters).  You can get involved in Arbonne (as an average person) and go ENVP because of the brilliant compensation plan.


5.  Timing- Everyone says this is the best time to get involved in this company.  The worst time to get involved is the ground floor because there are a lot of growing pains to work through with compensations etc.  Any company that has double digit increase is the BEST time!  .  Arbonne’s growth has been double and triple digit growth for many years and can continue for many years to come.  Many companies have explosive growth at the beginning and fizzle out.  Arbonne’s growth is consistent, STRONG and STEADY!  This is called SECURITY!


ARBONNE doesn’t just change changes GENERATIONS!


There are people who need YOU!

There are people who are waiting for you to come.

And when you find them they’ll say...”I knew there was something more...I knew you’d come”



Bo Short

Bo has spoken around the world for more than 1000,000 people. He has been in our Industry and has a connection and understanding about what you need to do as he has build a team of thousands of people in 21 countries in our industry.

He has been featured in a Wall Street Journal Best Selling book about Network Marketing.’ and appeared on programs such as Oprah and Dateline NBC.


He does the best explanation I have ever heard about how to evaluate a Network Marketing Company and why Arbonne is a Shining Star in over 250 other companies.

Carrie Edwards Phoenix Virtual Assistants
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