Yea morning gamers........this is great.
even though I can't play.........sniff, sniff...but I can read them later..........yippee...
Go ABC'ers.......don't forget about the weekly Alphabet King Or Queen contest either. Just a reminder....
Hello Monica,
Huge thanks to Valerie for taking on the AM games!!!! This game is too much fun to lose, even when I can't play.. I love reading the responses. Thank you Valerie.....And you too Monica, what a wonderful idea......
That must have been started after computer doen. Guess I better go scout the contest rules.
Valerie Clavin
Do I still get to vote, even if I host the games Monica?
Hi Jo,
You are welcome. I just couldn't see the games stopped. OUCH! Better to host than nothing at all. This will be mucho fun, I'll keep a list of the order of the Alphabet to assist me :)
Yes Valerie, you can still vote,
and you can also still be included in the nominees... :)
(The only reason Bj can't is because she is co-owner of Pay-Dough and that would not be fair..) :)