Hi Pauline! 8)
Sorry I didn't explain the new rule correctly to you. The photographer must nominate their own photo from now on. This is to avoid legal problems from photos getting nominated that aren't the property of the person who has them in their gallery. We recently had some photos get nominated that weren't the property of the person who's gallery they were in. The photographer must attest to being the owner of the photo they nominate.
I will go a head and nominate my own photo you just nominated since there aren't any other nominations. Please nominate one of yours. Thank you my friend!
The Sun in a flower http://pictures.adlandpro.com/photos/dipetane/The_Sun_In_A_Flower.aspx
Folks, please check out the rules at:
Silly Thomas! 8)
Read the rules Buddy. Nominate one of your own please.
Thank you any how for the nomination, I already nominated that same photo.
Take care Buddy! ;-)