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Greenzap Now - Warning!
8/11/2007 1:08:45 PM
Hi everyone.

Greenzap, a company sometimes as mysterious as its controversial CEO, which took the internet by storm both in growth and in heated debate on forums everywhere starting in 2005, has been very quiet these days.

It still exists and still shows signs of life in occasional changes visible on the site, but has not issued an update that I have seen since February, 2007.

They have introduced their classified ad section, but it appears that no one is listing any ads.  When I last checked, there were no ads.

Zapmap has not worked for as long as I can remember.

Various states have issued statements regarding the legality of the company operating in those states.  Several have issued cease and desist orders for their jurisdictions.  Texas, California

Furthermore, there have been reports of members having money removed from their registered US bank accounts without their authorization.  I recently received an email from a person I know and trust who had almost one hundred dollars removed from his bank account.  He has taken the wise precaution of closing that bank account.

What does all this mean?

First and foremost, it means that if you have a bank account or credit card registered with this company, it would be prudent to close that bank account and cancel the credit card.  Protect yourself!

It has been suggested that the company is defrauding its members with these unauthorized transactions.  That hardly seems likely with the evidence available at this time, unless law enforcement agencies are completely asleep at the wheel.  Robbing bank accounts is a federal crime.

It is possible that the database has been hacked or that an employee of the company has stolen the database.  This is a very real possibility.

I have spent a LOT of time running down lead after lead trying to find solid evidence that the company and/or its officers are guilty of any of the things that have been stated about them on forums.  So far, all leads end in innuendo.  I can't find one charge that sticks.

However, the bottom line is, the company is doing a terrible job.  At best, they are not protecting their customers or keeping them informed.  At worst, they could, indeed, be guilty of fraud and just slippery enough to keep on the free side of iron bars.

If you can find any solid and documentable facts about this company, I'm sure all of us would like to see them here.  I'm not interested in unsubstantiated claims, but if you have facts and links, let us know.

In the mean time, protect yourself and make sure this company does not have access to your money. 

God bless,


Flag of Sharon Lee

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Re: Greenzap Now - Warning!
8/11/2007 1:17:03 PM

Thank you Dave for all that you do for us. I found this very imformative. I will let you know if I hear of anything else.

Peace, Sharon

Flag of Dave Cottrell

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Re: Greenzap Now - Warning!
8/11/2007 1:21:25 PM
Hi Sharon,

Thank you!  I will continue to dig as my schedule allows.

God bless,

Flag of Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: Greenzap Now - Warning!
8/11/2007 1:45:15 PM
Hello Dave,

I am not with Greenzap.  I did join when it was first
introduced and was not happy with the terms so soon

However, I do appreciate the information you supply so we can keep up-to-date with what is happening on the internet and be better informed.

Kind regards

Re: Greenzap Now - Warning!
8/11/2007 2:23:31 PM

Hi Dave,

Thanks for the info.  This is the last I read:


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