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Nick Sym

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Re: Philoxenia! A Great Place to be!
8/11/2007 2:12:56 AM

Hello My Dear Monica,

 Georgios has been my brother since he took the time in the beginning to accept me as a friend and help me make more friends. He took the time to promote myself and my poems and I will never forget him for that and only have praise!

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Mary Hannan

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Re: Philoxenia! A Great Place to be!
8/11/2007 2:48:18 AM

Hello Monica,
Yes, Georgios is a awesome friend. Thank you for this forum. Your a pretty awesome friend too!







Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: Philoxenia! A Great Place to be!
8/11/2007 11:59:19 AM
Oh Monica!

You are so sweet when you smile. What can I say!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am so sorry for being late. I have not forgotten you or Thomas or anybody else that have open forums on me, but I am so busy that I do not control anything. More than 500 emails are waiting. This new UBIEE Project I joined is so excited that it occupies all omf my free time. I should normally be in vacation. There is not time for that now. I joined a UBIEE chat/phone community and that keeps me of from AdLandPro.

Here in this forum dedicated to me I want officially to congratulate you for a great contribution in AdLandpro. No one have made it before 17500 posts in 215 posts with only 158 members in this forum. It is unbeatable. No one did this before and I presume no one will be able to do it.


They say that my treads have to much pictures and colors and that is not good for the eyes. I say have they seen a gypsy? If not I recommend them to feel a gypsies smile. Do they know what clothes he wear? Can anybody change that? I don't thin so. They who say so they have to accept me as I am, a Greek dressed in RED.

Nice gypsy music - click above

Again I thank you for all support and your kindness. I will not forget this.

Kindly Regards
ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: Philoxenia! A Great Place to be!
8/11/2007 12:12:17 PM
Oh Branka!

You are hitting me "under the belt". ROOTS! You are touching my inner.
Life is Life. When we all feel the power and the pain and the feeling of the people. I always dreamt to feel the past and to do that I need to know more about the past.

Youare so kind and all your post give me a feeling of being good friends for many many years.

Thank you for all support, you spiritual and very sentistive replies everywhere I meet you in this community.

I am grateful to you and your encouragement. I remember how you reacted in January.

Your dear friend

ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Georgios Paraskevopoulos

5965 Posts
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Re: Philoxenia! A Great Place to be!
8/11/2007 12:34:13 PM
Aj Aj Joe!

Hey Joe did you have this one in your Bulletin Bord. I presume not. Was this not a nice forum? They say you are the awesome one. They say so I don't! In My country we use this word only for GOD. Now you think I will criticize you.


You are the greatest guy I met in this community. If I could I should hire you to host my GOSSIP forum. We need some gossip now and the. What tools do you use to keep all these things on mind? There is nothing that can pass your knowledge. Everything that happens here you know it and your Bulletin Bord get many visits from me. It is the best place to get information

Thank you for being you and for all your great contribution and support to everyone in all forums. your WORK is of big value.

One of my idols

Your good friend

ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook

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