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Re: Know why I have chosen uVme business to get involved with
8/10/2007 9:34:23 PM
Hi Robert, You have done a fine job of presenting this opportunity. I am expecially pleased that one only needs to register and then spend time getting to know the offer so that one is comfortable when they join. I am in Nan's team and thus in yours. Thanks to all team members for assisting each other. I even have been in contact with 2 promoters who not on our team and they have provided me with suggestions.' Does that tell you what kind of people are promoting this business? So with confidence come register and we will all work with you no matter whos team you join.
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Re: Know why I have chosen uVme business to get involved with
8/10/2007 9:54:12 PM
We are growing so fast. This is wonderful. Every body keep up the great work.
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Re: Know why I have chosen uVme business to get involved with
8/11/2007 6:15:02 AM
Hi Robert, As many know, everything I learn about computers, the internet and business is a learning event for me. I have to work a little harder at understanding than some of you young ones brought up on computers. So as each part of uVme is understood by me, I wanted to share with our associates. A new forum has sprung up for the purpose of helping not only uVme partners but perhaps other serious marketers who can apply the information to their business. Here is the link: Come join and learn and share. You experienced ones see any bad advice be sure to step in and help us still struggling.
Re: Know why I have chosen uVme business to get involved with
8/11/2007 7:13:26 AM
Hi Robert - an excellent post as always with lots of useful information for those who have already joined, as well as those who are considering taking that leap of faith!!

I was privileged to be at Evolution Day back in July and was very impressed with everything I saw. This certainly is an opportunity not to be missed. After all what have you got to lose. Its free right now. Take advantage of this special pre launch time and build a team  to take with you into the official launch.

This is a great team - lots of support and lots of training available.

Join now and prepare yourself for an opportunity of a lifetime

Remeber the uVme support group can be found at
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Re: Know why I have chosen uVme business to get involved with
8/11/2007 11:31:02 AM

Robert: I have already joined, but one of my downline showed me some very disturbing information about the program. He showned me a site where it costs $200-300 to join and $65.00/month to be able to an affiliate. I hope that means after Sept.  and not for the previous signed-up free affiliates. I have asked Jill Close to clearify this situation this moring since she is in England and the up- line to some members.

Thanks, Bruce Seaweedman Help Veterans