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We Made * * $500 * * The First Week We Tried This!
8/10/2007 3:22:40 AM
 $500 the first week I tried this!    This is my favorite cash flow strategy method and it  has the potential to literally pay you hundreds in less than 30 days if you focus on it! This is the easiest way I've seen for someone to increase their cash flow in less than 30 days.
Hello again, it's me!
I have several important updates to give you. Also a personal prayer request/praise report update at the very end of this email
Several months ago, a friend of several years told me about a new way to make money.  At least it was new to me because I had not heard of it before. She shared how by taking trial offers she had made $500 in one week. I had no idea there were companies that paid good money for a person to test out their products/services, but Incentive Marketing is for real and it really does pay out. So based on my friend's recommendation I decided to try it for myself and I also was paid $500 in about a week!
Well, that was several months ago. Now my friend is working this full-time and is making around $2000 a month. I've added a twist to the way she is doing it, so that you can use this to build several monthly residual income streams.
This is my current favorite Incentive Marketing Program and it pays out daily 7 days a week! If you are in the USA or Canada Click Here.    You can sign up for free. Choose the reward towards the bottom of the page that says, Custom Order. I'll explain later what that means.
Once you become a free member I'll receive notification and I'll follow up with instructions on how to get started and how to utilize this to build several residual income streams. It is the easiest type of program where it is possible for a new member to make $160 or more in less than 30 days if that is your goal and focus.
 Paying Out For Way Over 190 Days!    I just looked into this passive earning program! There are so many happy members getting paid great money weekly!
I spent a lot of hours over the weekend looking into passive earning programs. This is something I've been wanting to do all year and it has taken me this long to get around to it. But it was my goal to present a new passive earning program this month because I know so many are interested in those type of programs.
What I discovered amazed me. I found a passive earning program that has been documented as paying out to their members for over 190 days! The company has said they are actually much older than that, but that is how long they have had a strong online presence that can be easily documented as paying out consistently. My only regret is that I didn't take a look at this months earlier, because there are so many happy members that are thrilled with this program. Some are even withdrawing out thousands weekly. This program conducts itself in a very professional manner and has some very satisfied members who have put serious money into this.
I searched around long enough to know that members think highly of this program. The wonderful thing about networking on the Internet is that it is very easy to know when members are unhappy, they are very vocal!
Click Here  to become a free member.
Go the 1st Step Box, put in your desired user name, your desired password and your email address.
Then click on Step 2, to complete your registration. The program does not give referrals information. So as soon as you sign up as a free member send me an email and I'll send you instructions for getting started, the best strategy to benefit the most with this program and the various methods that myself and my sponsor have used to make thousands in passive earning programs the last couple of years. Please include your User Name and if you give me an email address I'll send you updates on this program. I'll be checking on the status and keeping up with this program so I can give you progress/feedback/update email reports. Please put the name of the program in the subject line of your message.
Ever since the weekend I have spent considerable emailing support various questions so I would clearly understand how the program works, how best to profit from it. I had not written my welcome update email to those of you who have contacted me, because I wanted to have a clear idea of what I was talking about. I'm going to sleep right after I type this update. I now feel like I have enough information to write an intelligent instructions strategy email for you, so those who have contacted me should receive my update/training/strategy email in less than 24 hours. I'm sorry for the delay but I spent a lot of time asking a lot of questions several times over the last few days. I wanted to have a clear idea of how the program works and the best strategies to use.
This is a very important topic to me, because the income potential of this program is off the charts. I know that because it has the ear marks of another program that paid myself and my sponsor literally thousands. And it was the easiest money we ever made.If you have any questions/comments about this program just visit this forum.  Click Here.
 * * * Marketer's Dream Tool Box * * * 
There has been a lot of attention about this program because of the money that many have generated with this, and yes myself and my sponsor have made good money.  But what many haven't emphasized is this is marketer's dream if you need to learn about ways to direct traffic to your website. It's always helpful to learn how to market your programs more successfully. This program offers it's members training that is valued at over $2000 if you purchased it separately. Off line and on line marketing methods are taught. Click Here   and you can listen to the recorded message, then click on the red link that says, Click Here to See the Undeniable Proof for additional information that you can read and listen to. Then once you register for the call, I'll send you a link where you can listen to the call anytime through your computer.
 Success Marketing Training Ideas!
The last few weeks I've been working very hard to expand the training project that I have. Now you'll be able to be trained from several people that are very successful in their work from home business ventures. For more information please just send me an email with the words "Profit4you Team Training"  in the subject line. Include your email address and what country you live in and I'll send you the marketing training lessons. I will include the training in how I've been able to work full-time from home for several years, but now you'll be able to be plugged in to receive training and knowledge on how some of our other team associates have been successful. You will actually be trained by several successful marketers. Knowledge is power! It's the one thing I did for years when I was struggling. I became what I liked to call a friendly internet pest, trying to pick the brains of other successful entrepreneurs that I ran into online!
 We build under you after you join!
This is a program I joined months ago. I haven't talked about it very much, but recently it has made some great changes in the compensation plan. Now we can concentrate on building just one leg and still have the ability to earn either a great part-time or full-time income. It is a true team orientated system, because literally everyone we bring in is placed in a single line under everyone else.  We are in a very strong leg and there are 807 paying members in our leg and every week that number grows. Once you become a member every single person that any of our 807 members bring in, will be placed underneath you!
There are plenty of trainers available to help you and your referrals get trained every single week. And there are even recorded training calls in the back office so that you can listen 24 hours a day on your own schedule. If that isn't enough training for you, I can also plug you into the Profit4you Team training where you can learn from myself and several other very successful trainers.
And even better is that, this is one rare membership where you will actually lose money by not being a member. There is a leaders board where the top 10 members who saved the most and took the time to report it are showcased. The top savings per member at the moment is between $175.00 - $455.96 per month! Not bad for a program that costs only $19.95 a month! You can even click on the Savings Leaders Board and see exactly what the top people saved money on, so that can give you ideas in ways to utilize the savings benefit for you and your family! What more could you possibly want?
Click Here to take a free tour and evaluate this incredible company for yourself. We will start placing paid members under you in less than a week! With a true team building concept every new member is placed under everyone else in the leg.
 Fantastic Team Training Income Earning System Coming!    
~ I have a new training earning source that I'm planning to introduce to my contacts, possibly in less than a week. My sponsor has a wonderful training and presentation system set up. It's one of the best team systems I've ever seen!
With the way the program is set up a person can be passive and still earn or if they want to work and follow our training, it's very realistic to be earning a great income this year. We are talking about a serious income potential here.
Please let me know if you would like me to add you to the list of people that I tell about this program first. I would like to have a group of serious people to tell about this project first so that as a team we can get off to a fast start. And we'll already be joining a successful team that is over 300 members so it's a proven system that is working. 
Just let me know if you would like to receive a 24 hour advance notice and I'll give you the website before I announce it publicly so you can have 24 hours to evaluate it and decide if you would like to join to have a top placement in my network. Those who have a top position in my group are going to be very happy!
After 24 hours then I'll broad cast it, notify several of my contact lists and do some serious Internet Marketing.
I've spent a lot of time looking into this and with the combination of the system that is available to our team and the compensation plan, it's one of the best opportunities I have ever seen! And you don't hear me saying that very often.
 Quick Cash Flow Money Ideas!    
One of my Adland friends recommended this report to me.
This report outlines a very simple, effective system to show a person how to increase their cash flow in a short period of time.
I was really encouraged to recommend this to you when I saw that it has the endorsement of Jane Mark! She is my sponsor and upline support in several programs and she makes thousands and thousands in her business ventures. I knew that it wasn't just worthless hype when I saw her name attached to it!
Right after you receive this valuable report you'll receive a one time offer. It's based on a follow-up study of the original "Really Fast Money" report. This is a highly recommended supplemental companion special report.
Click Here  to receive all of the details. Get started on a cash flow strategy today!
The future looks bright!
"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success...."
I have to get some sleep! Good night!
Touch your highest vision & make it part of who you are in every moment.

I've enjoyed making money working from home for over 8 years. I have a real passion to show others how to do the same.

All members share in a revenue profit pool that is paid out several times a day! You don't have to sponsor to participate and earn. Get paid very well just for advertising your business. No daily sub commitment. Start with as little as a one time $2 ad. This site has a write up that explains what makes this income stream so unique. ~ ~

~ Register for free today. ===>>>

This income cash strategy paid me $500 the first week that I tried it. Since then it has paid me over and over again. Now it come with a free Marketing System. You can also access marketing resources and training to help you to build any business. You can be paid in 48 hours.~ ~ ~

Re: We Made * * $500 * * The First Week We Tried This!
8/10/2007 8:04:19 AM
hey I joined the incentive one patricia
Nothing EVER Like this BEFORE!..A Garden That Pays YOU!Pre-Register FREE..We Launch in JanuaryNo other Opportunity Competes or Compares to this =============Get Listed at my Online Directory
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Re: We Made * * $500 * * The First Week We Tried This!
8/10/2007 12:05:47 PM
Hello Patricia! Thanks for the update. Perfect timing. I will email you the training/update game plan about this today! I'm so excited to be working with you. Talk with you soon.
Touch your highest vision & make it part of who you are in every moment.

I've enjoyed making money working from home for over 8 years. I have a real passion to show others how to do the same.

All members share in a revenue profit pool that is paid out several times a day! You don't have to sponsor to participate and earn. Get paid very well just for advertising your business. No daily sub commitment. Start with as little as a one time $2 ad. This site has a write up that explains what makes this income stream so unique. ~ ~

~ Register for free today. ===>>>

This income cash strategy paid me $500 the first week that I tried it. Since then it has paid me over and over again. Now it come with a free Marketing System. You can also access marketing resources and training to help you to build any business. You can be paid in 48 hours.~ ~ ~

Re: We Made * * $500 * * The First Week We Tried This!
8/10/2007 8:44:17 PM

I joined the incentive one too. Can you please send me the info, as well.


Re: We Made * * $500 * * The First Week We Tried This!
8/10/2007 11:27:16 PM
did not get email..may have deleted it send me message here or at little confused how you can make money with it unless you get several people to can explain in email thanks Patricia
Nothing EVER Like this BEFORE!..A Garden That Pays YOU!Pre-Register FREE..We Launch in JanuaryNo other Opportunity Competes or Compares to this =============Get Listed at my Online Directory