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Bonnie Branch

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Re: Get a Group Mentality!! What Expands Attracts!!
8/9/2007 8:04:10 PM

Hi Brad!

Excellent post!  Good business is about people helping people.  As Roger stated, it is so much easier when you have a group of people working in their strong areas rather than one person struggling and practically killing themselves.

There was a line in a movie that I'll never forget.  "Many Hands Make Light Work".

Thanks to Roger for sending me here!

Have a prosperous day!

Re: Get a Group Mentality!! What Expands Attracts!!
8/9/2007 8:05:49 PM

Speaking of group efforts...

Brad West

221 Posts
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Re: Get a Group Mentality!! What Expands Attracts!!
8/10/2007 2:22:37 PM

Great big thanks to Roger!!

Thank you Terry for your examples of team work and yes it all comes down to back to basics, Back to the days and the birth of MLM when Love Trust and Money ruled and you actually got to meet most of the people you were directly working with.

Brad West ~*~ onomoney

Making Heaps of Money is a Spiritual Experience. The Guild Blog Co-Op Fuzzy Wuzzy Anipals
Brad West

221 Posts
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Re: Get a Group Mentality!! What Expands Attracts!!
8/10/2007 2:37:07 PM

Thank You Judy,

You also have some great examples of teamwork here on AdLand. One of my goals takes this concept to the next level, this by actually being the team and eliminating the work part. I am doing a series of articles that will explain the viability and simplicity of this concept. It is to simple and the concept has been over looked by many.

I think that people for the most part want things to be complex sometimes to get a feeling of accomplishment with hard work or something to blame when they fail.

Brad West ~*~ onomoney


Making Heaps of Money is a Spiritual Experience. The Guild Blog Co-Op Fuzzy Wuzzy Anipals
Brad West

221 Posts
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Re: Get a Group Mentality!! What Expands Attracts!!
8/10/2007 2:44:10 PM

Thank you for your efforts of coming and posting here Lissa,

As you can see I am jumping around, trying to keep track here and working on our site at the same time having FUN.

Please keep checking in and posting your thoughts, You are part of a great team !!!

I Love you all

Brad West ~*~ onomoney

Making Heaps of Money is a Spiritual Experience. The Guild Blog Co-Op Fuzzy Wuzzy Anipals