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Brad West

221 Posts
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New Marketing Trends!!
8/8/2007 3:21:33 PM

I used the title " I wrote this over two years ago" and got very few looks I will try a new one!!

New Marketing Trends for 2007

These predictions have been in the wind for a couple of years now and the reality is starting to hit. The new online movement is to lead with inspiration, not money. These communities that inspire prosperity are going to be all the rage in the near future.

People are getting fed up with being demoralized by corporate America. Things like the drug companies, Enron, World Com, and the fleecing of Americans by the government is disturbing many people.

The new word in marketing is an old concept, Network!! Trust and integrity will produce a network that will work for the good of all. This is too powerful to ignore and will produce profits greater than ever before. The commodity is everyone’s individual network that is the bottom line.

Personal networks have become “bank”, this is the new economy. Gather your intangibles and hold on to them. Things like your reputation, your word, helping people with out asking for reimbursement, and performing like the good old days on just a “hand shake”. These things will be worth more than money. But will in turn cause money to roll your way like never before with less effort. Integrity will sell whatever your product is.

I call it the underground honesty movement.

Brad West


Making Heaps of Money is a Spiritual Experience. The Guild Blog Co-Op Fuzzy Wuzzy Anipals
Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: I wrote this over two years ago!!
8/8/2007 5:43:09 PM

Just keep saying it Brad.

I'm just plain going to agree.


Phillip Black

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Re: I wrote this over two years ago!!
8/8/2007 8:06:27 PM

Hi Brad,

All I can say Is AMEN.

I grew up and built my career during a kinder, gentler period in time.  When you sealed the deal with a handshake, when your Word was your Bond, when you developed a relationship, got to know the Family, and people bought from you, not the Company.  I know that these may sound like clichés to many young people today, however, I still believe the same way and God willing, will still feel the same, on the day that He calls me Home.

I hope that what you're saying is true.  It certainly would be a welcome change.

God Bless You My Friend,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Brad West

221 Posts
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Re: I wrote this over two years ago!!
8/9/2007 2:29:15 AM

Hi Roger,

First I would like to thank you for your involvement response and interaction here spreading the word of the future of marketing on the net. I am working on a conclusion to these posts and the actions we have taken to stay ahead of the inevitable trends in marketing.

I will give you a hint marketing will become more fun, more productive, and less labor intensive. Love, Trust and Money are the new wave of the future. I am looking forward to this trend getting into full swing.

Like I said at this point in my week time constraints are impinging my response time here so I will post this same post on all three threads here so everyone is aware that I'm working on a full conclusion to what I started here. Thanks again for your interest and interaction!

I Love you all and will interact more with you soon!

Always to your success

Brad West



Making Heaps of Money is a Spiritual Experience. The Guild Blog Co-Op Fuzzy Wuzzy Anipals
Brad West

221 Posts
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Re: I wrote this over two years ago!!
8/10/2007 2:58:20 PM

Hi Phil,

Actually I remember the days of human interaction and the hand shake. As things progress with marketing they will regress back to the basics, there is no choice. Most people have been scammed, spammed, and tormented into a frenzy of negativity.

The days of Love, Trust, and Money are on their way back. and that is what we are building into our project as we again predict the future.

Thank you for taking the time for me and your positive input.

Brad West ~*~ Onomoney


Making Heaps of Money is a Spiritual Experience. The Guild Blog Co-Op Fuzzy Wuzzy Anipals