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Mary Hofstetter

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Thoughts on Aging
8/6/2007 11:03:56 AM
Hi everyone, I just visited Lorraine's forum on aging and found it amusing. Go there and have a good laugh. She needs visitors with a sense of humor. We all see things differently as we age. # 7 made me stop and think. Now that is a dangerous thought. Anyway here is what I came up with. -------------------------------------------------- I WANT IT AS TIME GOES BY. by Mary Hofstetter 8-07 0-5 years I want it and I want it NOW!!! I'll ask grandma and grandpa. 5-13 How can I convience you I want it. You don't want me to be happy? Teen years---Gota have it. Can I borrow yours 20's Now I can get it!!! 30's The credit card can get it and right now!!! 40's The neighbors have it so why shouldn't I? Something better than theirs would be nice. 50's See what I am able to get for my family!!! 60's I am tired of working to get it all. A debt consolitor is what I need. 70's We had nothing when I was a kid. 80's I have all I need: food, shelter,love of my family and a call button. 90's I need to use the restroom. I need it now!!! _______________________________________________________ See what a demented mind can do.
Arthur Webster

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Re: Thoughts on Aging
8/6/2007 11:17:50 AM

Hi, Mary,

Your chronology of ageing might carry some weight if it excluded men.

You see, men and small boys are like puppies, they never grow up and they never want to stop stop playing!

I suppose women could be the same though. All my wives have been far more mature than me - but my current wife is as daft and unpredictable as I am.

Fortunately, neither of us is acquisitive - let's face it, anything we get now won't be used enough to wear out (lmao) - but we do love a good chuckle.

The Old Coot 

Beth Binkley

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Re: Thoughts on Aging
8/6/2007 11:28:09 AM

Hey Mary,


Thanks! This is funny!!!

Best Wishes,


Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Thoughts on Aging
8/6/2007 11:29:06 AM
Hi Arthur, So which stage are you in. Are you still trying to get things or just enjoying each day. I am guessing that it is the latter. Have a really great day and don't forget to smell the roses.
Mary Hannan

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Re: Thoughts on Aging
8/6/2007 11:32:58 AM

Hello Mary,
Thanks for the link! Laughs keep you fit!




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