Dear Vel,
I am Anthony Allen (Tony) of Property Eastern Europe-Worldwide.
Website address:
Our proposal is: We will donate 500 Euros to your charity for any client that is referred - via your members, that places a non returnable deposit on any property within our database.
Clients referred by your charity will be allocated to you for one year so any purchase that they or anyone that they might refer will donate 500 Euros each.
We have over 1500 properties serviced through 40 offices in 17 countries.
I am also chairman of the 'Selsey/Romania Orphans Appeal, at
Due to Romania's accession into Europe our charity has wound down to pinpointing specific cases which do not need a huge amount of funding.
Please e-mail me at: with any questions that you may have.
My very best regards,
Anthony Allen Property Eastern Europe-Worldwide.