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Re: Friendship Day - Celebration!
8/10/2007 9:18:34 AM
Dear Anamaria,I'm a bit late to join your friendship day - but than I believe every day is friendship day if one has as wonderful friends as you.

Thank you for highlighting the value of a friendship and thank you for being my friend too  !
Hugs and blessings,

Flag of Juliana Bond

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Re: Friendship Day - Celebration!
8/10/2007 9:34:45 AM
Hello AnaMaria,

I'm sorry I'm late here.

Friendship is a beautiful thing. I would like to share with you one of my friendship poems:

What is a friend?

What is a 'friend'?
is it someone who cares?
is it someone who's there for us
someone who shares?
Is it someone who understands
whom we really are?
Is it someone we can reach
no matter how far?
Is it someone we lean on
when things are real tough
Is it someone we turn to
when life's not enough
Is it someone we rely on
when we really can't cope?
Is it someone we depend on
to give us some hope?
Is a 'friend' a soul-mate
someone to treasure?
What is a friend
How do we measure?
One thing I know
and I think it is true
that a real friend to me
Is someone like YOU!

copyright 2006 Juliana Bond

Flag of Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: Friendship Day - Celebration!
8/10/2007 3:19:56 PM
Hello Janet :-)

You're always welcome and as you said Friendship day is every day; at least it has to be!

Thank you for your beautiful pics. They are much apreciated.

With friendship,
Flag of Ana Maria Padurean

Flag of 4280 Posts
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Re: Friendship Day - Celebration!
8/10/2007 3:24:59 PM
Dearest Juliana,

Thank you for bringing your talent here and letting free to shine!
Again a wonderful poem of yours!

Here is an unique rainbow for your eyes!

Hope you enjoy :-)

With friendship,

Flag of Thomas Richmond

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Re: Friendship Day - Celebration!
8/20/2007 1:26:55 PM
Dear Anamaria, my very good friend , in my own words (YOU ROCK) . Thank you for stoping by my Monday Hoteat today, i see you have done a wonderful job with your own forum? Good posts, the music and the peoms, good style my friend. Make everyone enjoy there online experiance makes more want to come in and grow. Thank you.
Admiralty Bay

Bequia. The Grenadines

The man on the mast swings in his red cloth chair,
working to fix a snag in the mainsail rigging:
the labor of others is more compelling
than our own. The man in the chair raises and lowers
himself as a water taxi skims past in bright
Caribbean colors, with "African Pride" painted
below the gunwales, red on a yellow background,
like a national flag of dispossession.
Despair is the fruit of disparity, and where
it ripens it never falls far from the free.
The sailboat will cruise away leaving money
in its wake. The motorboat circles the harbor,
catching fares and chasing fairness in the guise
of freedom. No nation is an island, says
Geo-Politics; no island is a nation,
says Multinational Markets. To develop
importance, you import development
but you outsource sovereignty.

                                                 The man in the chair
knows the precariousness of in between
but his yacht attests to wealth that's grounded in
securities. "African Pride" cuts his engine
and glides to the dock, smooth and practiced,
professional. The yachties are set to sail:
the auxiliary engines billow diesel
fumes on the water as the boat finds a way through
the harbor out of the bay to the open sea.

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