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Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: Cops Say The Darnest Things! (Humor)
8/13/2007 11:47:57 AM
hello Len,

Cops looks to be the subject for almost the same stories all over the places :-)

The other day I stumbled upon a funny story at least I think so, as I do not understand each words here; some of them I just supposed LOL); anyway I had lot of fun reading it and imagining the face of Larry the Cable Guy! LOL
I don't know what do he has with Russia?! each and every post of his starts the same way.

Fat Cop
What the hell is this Russia!? I was at the mall the other day sniffing around at the Victoria Secret looking for something for mother¹s day and looking at high school ass and some gal in the parking lot had something stoled and a cop showed up and weighed 365 pounds! How the hell can you be a cop at 365 pounds? Then he says to the lady, Don¹t worry I¹ll catch him! He'll catch him? Right. Maybe if the crooks hauling ass with a cheesecake! This lard ass couldn¹t of caught the sumbitch if he had no legs and had to run! Aint they got some sort of weight restrictions to be a policeman! Damn, I'd be afraid to get pulled over by this fat bastard for fear he'd have a heart attack and then they'd think I killed him or something! And wouldn't ya know it they had that cellulite columbo parked out front of the food court! This is ridiculous! No wonder criminals aint scared to rob no more cause they know officers fat and fatter can't run without hitting a breathing tube every 5 minutes! Look, I always stick up for the police, but ya can¹t have Biggie Smalls Texas Ranger running after a shoplifter with cini mini all over his hands and mouth! Let¹ put a salad bar in that police station! Like a policeman told a feller after he was robbed, I'll catch him, but let me finish my Aunt Annie¹s cinnamon and sugar pretzel!
-Larry the Cable Guy

With friendship,
Len Berghoef

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Re: Cops Say The Darnest Things! (Humor)
8/13/2007 1:04:31 PM

Good one AnaMaria!




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Mary Hannan

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Re: Cops Say The Darnest Things! (Humor)
8/14/2007 2:49:54 AM

Hey Leonard!


Len Berghoef

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Re: Cops Say The Darnest Things! (Humor)
8/14/2007 2:00:22 PM

Hey Mary thats a great one! :) 

Cops have nothing to go on thats too funny!

Signs can be fun to read even if they don't have much to say. Don't you think?


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Len Berghoef

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Re: Cops Say The Darnest Things! (Humor)
8/14/2007 2:09:48 PM

Here is another example of fun signs.


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