Hi big friend, Neil
Your story is wisdom told. Nature is said to have designed everything in twos; male and female, big and small, rich and poor, life and death, up and down, success and failure, good and evil. The last two seem to impart much more control and influence on every other creation of nature than all others. Again, it is these last two that nature releases freely to every life to use and impliment at will. For us humans we're made with higher understanding to decipher on the best way to use the gift of good and evil.
Help is an attribute of goodness and comes through the show of care and love, and because love is devine and does not fail, it is an established fact that help does not go unrewarded. It is therefore a wise decision to include help ministry in every business we venture into if we ernestly want to get the best patronage out of our customers. In my country, we have an adage that says "we use help to seek wealth and win friends" Which wolf do we feed, good or evil? the choice is ours!!
Thanks for sharing the 2 wolves story and the link to our day to day life, you're truely a genius.