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Kathy Hamilton

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7/23/2005 4:45:51 AM
Hello my adlandPro Family and friends- It seems that every body has a plan, A goal to which they give their heart and soul; they plot a course, do everything they can... And suddenly the keyword is control. I see how every body hits a wall, from time to time its just what comes to be; no matter how they pine,they seem to fall.. despite their passion and intensity. I think that I would rather play it cool. and let the future look out for its own; the humble one will never look ;the humble one will never look the fool.. like those who go on blindly and alone. In realizing I am not that tough..Im satisfied, and mine is just enough. "Bryon D.Howell" Thank you to all my friends, Kathy Martin
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Christine Gleeson

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7/23/2005 4:48:51 AM
Hello Kathy, Thank you for those lovely words. Christine, Sydney, Australia
7/23/2005 4:56:51 AM
Hello Sweetie! You take a couple of days off and you come back with your super powers. Welcome back Wonder Woman! I'm glad you took a break, you needed it, but don't start over doing it again. We can wait day or two for your next forum, don't feel pressured. I know you do it because you like to help people, but we want you well too. By the way, you know I live in a city called Modesto (Spanish word for modest). I don't know if everyone here is Modest but I'd like to think I am. :-) JOHN
Paul Davey

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7/23/2005 5:06:17 AM
Just for a moment I thought you were talking about me lol. Bryon has got it right. As for me I like to play it cool (well I like to think so lol) I take each day as it comes, cross the bridges as they arrive, and just go on my merry way. What will be will be. I just love life Stay safe Best wishes to you all. Paul
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7/23/2005 5:11:46 AM
Thanks for the invite; your posts always make me think Kathy. All successful people became successful because they gave some talent or ability in the service of others. You can contribute in some way to others no matter how small your talent. You too, can become successful. No one achieves success without being of service. Leadership is action, not position. The successful don't use others, other people use the successful, for above all success is of service. Everyone has to be someone to someone to be anyone. (unknown) This is something I use for humility. Daniel

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