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Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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8/2/2007 3:56:33 AM

Dear Branka!

I am not surprised to see so many good friends in this forum. To start a new forum is not easy. To support it needs time and to get friends in you must promote it. I decided from the begining to give you some help, to invite friends having the spirit but also the will to take part in a forum of this sort.

This is a spiritual discussion and we may differ in thoughts and behaviour but still there are much common that we have on wich we establish us as central figures in or environment.

In many of my topics I refer to eternity and a contiguous ralaton with anture and universe. We all ber same genetic codes and our feelings are similar.

Our feelings are expressed. The are many diffenet ways to recognize  our traditional, mental, ethical, emotional and spiritual and religious feelings. Gathering your inner we many times find a calmness. Our very hads expanding individual world closes many gates and makes life more difficult.

Very nice of all friends to come in and I appreciate the time the offered to give their view of life. This topic is a topic of deep inner feelings in combination to our experience a deep topic as Neils states and though the title of the topic is COMMUNION AND REALTIONSHIP this is a very sensitive part of our life and many times we avoid and evade to talk about it.

You are giving us lots of information. I copied your article Four levels of Love to have it as a good place to return for getting facts on this subject.

You are givning a nice performance to what life and love is and your contribution in this community is a valuable gift to Adlandpro and to all of us.
(Forums: Inspiration of the Soul,
Family-Life God-etc)

Your replies are very detailed and very deep, but easy to understand. Our pagh in life is given to us by aour parents as a start point. Oh the Greek and the Hindu  Mythology waht a great source to get what we need for daly food if we like to be spiritual. Zvonimir your example of the 60-ies is identical to my view. Poor and rich people behave and see life different.


Your short first reply is clear. Knowing you for the forums I can see the multi-colour aspects you bring in here. As long as we are living in harmony at least in spiritual clamness, the statement "I do waht I do because I want to" is a declarations of freedom. For a person having bad childhood this returns to other areas dangerous for the rest of us. I agree with you that the discussion of this subject is an open in directions subject.


As long as the parents are "educated" there is no wrong with the handbooks. Most of the parents misundestand the words disciplin, balance, hamony of family life and in that case no handbook is good enough. Monica, you believe right our past guides our present and opens a pagh to future.

Ana Maria!
Your reply is very close to my thoughts perhaps because we have same background, religion, way of thngking. I agree with you on every new post here brings up another side or aspect and it is diffucult as I mentioned in my first reply to write about this themes. We are coming in at a certain time point to give our replies here, bearing different problems and different direct experience. As for example you had a fight with your husband and a second person just started a new life and you both are coming into this forum to give your aspects on marriage. They replies will be very different. Every relationships tracks your life like the tracks on our brain.

Dear Bill!

You are another good contributer on matter of life, relationship and communion. Your articles, both the political and the spiritual are giving us lots of information on our marvelous world. Bill many things we let go for our GOD or leaders. Most of the peopal are naive and the live for the day.
I use to say life is a gift from GOD, keep your soul pure and your body healthy. I share your ideas and your statement gives the answer on what a personality is.
"Every single time that a molecule of one substance combines with a molecule of another substance the result is a new substance never before seen by man. A new substance that we feel obligated to dissect and understand. This is the communion of eternity. There is an infinate number of existing substances that are continually joining together to create an infinate number of new substances. There can never be an end to this process thus we have eternity".
Keep up the good work in your forums.

Oh Juliana!
Your pen glides over the paper like an albatross in heaven. I can not say more but. You are another friend with very good contribution to give life a smile  when it best needs it. Your replies here and your poems and prosa in your forums  give an exact icon of what relatonship and communion is, in both god and bad directions.Juliana! These replies of yours are discribing families in general. Many of our friends here have same experience as you have.

You give us another view of what relationship is. Here we have another variation. I am just amazed to read your view and your experience in life. I will come back to you.

I stop here today. Branka again thank you for this forums. We need to change environnment and have this sort of discussions more often. I read the whole forum and be sure I will be back again.


ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Joe Downing

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8/2/2007 7:53:26 AM
Hello Branka,

You always bring a smile to my face.  It is so, you cannot be my sister because my energies scream else.  :)  I give thanks to God!

Discussing relationships of any level is difficult or we wouldn't have the problems we have in our societies.  Some of course do not have the greater problems others have, but most have similar problems.  One problem is domestic violence.  Why is this so?  Why do "loved" ones fight?  What is it of their communion that allows the ability to strike out or be harsh to one another?

It is R-E-S-P-E-C-T !!!

Where has all the respect gone? Without respect, a joyful communion cannot exist.  I teach my children this...

RESPECT = Kindness + Lovingness + Gentleness

If you leave any out, the equation changes.  This equation allows for a higher or advanced communion.  Yes, we are here to help each other reach the unreachable. Remember this... "love your neighbor as you love yourself"?  Total respect.  True respect.  Fantastic respect.  Simple respect. 

Thank you for this discussion.  It is good to see the "pepper" and "onion" of other's bounty.  Allows for greater appreciation of what is. 

Respectfully yours,

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Judy Smith

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8/2/2007 9:26:09 AM

Hi Branka,

Joe, my friend, you are teaching your children well!!!   You are so right.  Respect seems to be a thing of the past with some - almost most, and without it a successful communion is not possible.

Respect is a simple thing to remember and practice if you are always treating others the same way that you would expect to be treated.  Being the avid people watcher that I am, I am in awe sometimes.  A parent scolding and threatening a child with punishment, delivered with not respect or forethought of the impact breeds disrespect on the part of the child.  How can the child be expected to RESPECT the parent, when the parent is not respecting the child. 

I could write my heart out and tell you thousands of stories like this and you could too.  It all boils down to loving our neighbors, setting examples, being the person that others would like to be,  being loving and consderate with EVERYONE we have contact with, thus creating the communion in the relationships.   "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" = Kindness, lovingness and gentleness = RESPECT = communion in our relationships



Bruce Macomber

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8/2/2007 3:24:03 PM

Ephesians 6

 1Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.

 2Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise;

 3That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.

 4And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

(Note: Verse 4 may also be translated as "Do not cause your children to be discouraged)

Speaking of domestic violence (mentioned earlier):

Has anyone considered the impact of artificial fragrences masking natural pheromes resulting in mis-matched relationships?

8/2/2007 8:07:24 PM

Hello Bruce

   Is this what you mean by those miss matched relatonships.

   I would like to introduce you to my Brother Ralphie. Say hello to everyone Ralphie.


free_puppy.jpg picture by sekotan1

Please don't be angry with me. I have a weierd sense of humor. LOL

Sincerely, Bill

May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy

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