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Re: What Is The Worse Can Happen If We Join Your Business ?
7/29/2007 1:20:14 AM

I can't do jerky direct because I am vegetarian now, do they have veggie jerky???

I got a feeling one day they will come up with something like that, I quit eating meat awhile back and glad i did i went from 350 lbs to 295 in a pretty fast time

Does sound like a pretty neat company, i ll tlak to you all later mIke


Earn $150 daily, No investment ever
Re: What Is The Worse Can Happen If We Join Your Business ?
7/29/2007 7:16:34 AM
Sounds good, Sam.

If there was a way to feel and look younger, or to generally feel better as you work with your opportunities. would you like to hear about it?

Did you know, the New England Journal of Medicine recently published the results of a study stating,"the best indicator of a healthy heart and circulatory system is the number of adult stem cells circulating in the blood."

Do you know about Adult Stem CellsStemEnhance?  Would you like to know how your future wellness can be influenced?  Feel great as you go about your daily activities.  Your vitamins and mineral products nourish the cells of the body.  StemEnhance will rebuild and renew the cells of the body.  Both are needed!!

Listen to the Sizzle Call at 620-294-2904     Call me and we can get you started on this first of its kind, patented product.  Or, go to my website:      A GREAT presentation!

Free report   Stem Cell Science and  Your Health Report.


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Re: What Is The Worse Can Happen If We Join Your Business ?
7/29/2007 7:47:01 AM

Hi Milke

Thanks For the post  :-)

Mike JDPP has has solved that problem with Fruit Jerky check it out on this site,Click on jerky and then Fruit Stix,Plus we have supplements and Toxic-Free Skin care.

Fruit Stix - Apple-Cinnamon Two 3.65oz bags
Fruit Stix - Berry Blend Two 3.65oz bags
Fruit Stix - Blueberry Two 3.65oz bags
Fruit Stix - Pina Colada Two 3.65oz bags  

Hope This Helps


This super simple Home Business May Be: TO SIMPLE FOR YOU !
Re: What Is The Worse Can Happen If We Join Your Business ?
7/29/2007 1:55:07 PM
What a great string of posts!

My home business is GBG Health and Wellness.

The worst thing that could happen to you if you join this business is that you gain more energy and vitality, you sleep better, your aches and pains go away and yuo may be able to cut back on medication. Not bad for $19.95!!!

GBG offers the business and website for free - just opt to take their high quality liquid multi for the less then wholesale price of $19.95 (approx. $150 to buy it all seperately) and you are in.

How much are you spending on your vitamins?

Thanks for stopping by!
Flag of Leslie Combs

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Re: What Is The Worse Can Happen If We Join Your Business ?
7/29/2007 5:58:17 PM

Thank you Sam for letting us post our businesses here.

As you, I am in Jerky Direct. What a great company.

I am also in SFI - the largest affiliate program on the net.


Turn Your Dreams Into Reality Leslie Combs,

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