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Steven Suchar

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Re: Alphabet Game #98 - Excuses to get out of a Speeding Ticket
7/23/2007 11:21:07 PM
Joe Downing

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Re: Alphabet Game #98 - Excuses to get out of a Speeding Ticket
7/23/2007 11:21:17 PM
Okay.... Zeven!!!! I think we found the new Bean Convention Leader!!!! She knows the chant frontwards and backwards.

I nominate Monica!!!!
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Beth Binkley

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Re: Alphabet Game #98 - Excuses to get out of a Speeding Ticket
7/23/2007 11:21:24 PM
my hubby was watching one of those COP shows and an officer pulled over a lady for speeding and she actually agrued with him that her car COULD NOT go that fast!!! LOL :)
Mary Hannan

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Re: Alphabet Game #98 - Excuses to get out of a Speeding Ticket
7/23/2007 11:21:57 PM
Beans keep your feet warm. LOL!
Joe Downing

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Re: Alphabet Game #98 - Excuses to get out of a Speeding Ticket
7/23/2007 11:22:58 PM
Beth... my wife has gotten out of two pull overs because she had a stack of papers in the glove and was trying to go through them all to find the registration and proof of insurance.  She never said anything, but "Officer, give me a few minutes to figure out which one of these is current".   He gave her a warning.
***ADLAND BULLETIN BOARD*** What is Xtreme X2O? ###Get some X2O and Jerky RADICAL for the TRUTH! Laus Deo! ** HUG DEPARTMENT: Always OPE

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