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Linda Harvey

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New Shipping Information for Jerky Business !
7/20/2007 7:21:25 PM
NEW…. Shipping Information
Last night on the Thursday Store Owner Only Call we got some information about 2 “new” Shipping cost options -- I just wanted to pass this info along to everyone here so that you can be aware of some of the changes going on –
This new shipping info is for these 2 items ONLY when purchased as a Retail Order OR an extra Wholesale Order --
(A) One Twin Pack of Jerky (2 bags)   AND 
(B) Two Twin Packs of Jerky (4 bags)
(A) One Twin Pack of Jerky sent BULK Mail for $1.97 –
*This Bulk option is ONLY for the one twin pack of Jerky!  OR
(Aa) we can send it 1st class rate for $2.49   OR 
(Ab) we can send it Priority Mail for $4.60
(B) Two Twin Packs of Jerky – (4 bags – either the same flavor OR 2 different flavors) ** there is NO Bulk Mail Option for the double twin packs
(Ba) we can send them 1st class rate for $2.49   OR 
(Bb) we can send them Priority Mail for $4.60
Any other amounts will go as UPS shipping. Only these 2 Product options are available for the special shipping rates!
Please let your downlines know about this … and any of your customers that want to place order for 2 or 4 bags of jerky!
Get yourselves on these Thursday Night calls …. So that you can be informed on what’s happening with Your JD Business!!

And SHIPPING for your Monthly AutoShipment is $1.97 for 2 packs, 4 packs, 6 packs, Supplements, Skin Care Line....  anything on your monthly autoshipment has just the one $1.97 charge !   You can change what you order each month... trying different products !   ENJOY !

This is my favorite Business !  We get to eat the delicious Jerky !

Linda, TeamLeader
Thomas Richmond

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Re: New Shipping Information for Jerky Business !
7/20/2007 7:28:17 PM
SHIPPING for your Monthly AutoShipment is $1.97 for 2 packs, 4 packs, 6 packs, Supplements, Skin Care Line....  anything on your monthly autoshipment has just the one $1.97 charge !   You can change what you order each month... trying different products ! Thank you Team Leaders, ever wanna see my team making waves just Holla!  Thanks Linda for the updates! Enjoy your weekend!
AT YOUR SERVICE. Drop A Line With The Pros!! Chief Administrator & Support
Linda Harvey

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Re: New Shipping Information for Jerky Business !
7/20/2007 7:30:19 PM
SHIPPING for your Monthly AutoShipment is $1.97 for 2 packs, 4 packs, 6 packs, Supplements, Skin Care Line....  anything on your monthly autoshipment has just the one $1.97 charge !   You can change what you order each month... trying different products !  Enjoy your weekend!
Victoria Hurst

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Re: New Shipping Information for Jerky Business !
7/20/2007 7:31:08 PM


Thank you for this good information.


Leslie Combs

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Re: New Shipping Information for Jerky Business !
7/20/2007 8:57:43 PM

Thanks Linda for the information. I did miss the call last night.

I am making an effort for every Thursday night from now on -

however on the East Coast it is a bit late if you have to get up early.


Turn Your Dreams Into Reality Leslie Combs,