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Judy Smith

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Re: Farm Boy (Nick)
7/17/2007 12:33:33 PM

I will be starting my own forums soon.  I needed to mingle and make good friends like you first, Nick!!

Blessings, My good friend!!

Thanks Sheryl and Gabrielle!  I thought it fit !! all on good fun!! (lol)

Joelees Wholesale

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Re: Farm Boy (Nick)
7/17/2007 4:43:26 PM

Hey Nick

Good one ..Buddy Thank You needed that today  lol :-) Lee

Re: Farm Boy (Nick)
7/17/2007 5:10:25 PM


I don't know where you come up with these, but I always enjoy them. Thanks.


Phillip Black

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Re: Farm Boy (Nick)
7/17/2007 6:23:16 PM

Hi Nick,

Thanks for the smiles & giggles.  This one's definitely a keeper and I already know where it will be forwarded first.

Thanks My Friend

For Always Quacking Me Up!


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Phillip Black

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Re: Farm Boy (Nick)
7/17/2007 6:47:43 PM

Hi Again Nick,

I got to thinking about us talking about Good Ol' Boys and then you mentioned taking care of most of the household chores.  This reminded me of a little story along these lines that I thought y'all might enjoy.

Three young men were sitting around discussing how they had given their new wives their chores. 

The first man, who married a girl from Colorado, related as to how he had told his wife that she was to do all of the dishes and housecleaning.  On the first day, he didn't see any results. By the second day, he saw a few changes.  Finally, on the third day, he came home to a clean house with all of the dishes washed. 

The second man was married to a young girl from Nebraska and he had told her that she was to do the dishes & housecleaning, as well as all of the cooking.  Once again, on the first day he saw no results, but by the second day, he saw that it was better.  By the third day, he happily saw that all the dishes were done, the house was clean, and there was a delicious looking hot meal on the table. 

The third fellow had married a young lady from Mississippi.  He told his wife that in addition to all of the cooking, housecleaning, and dishes, she should also wash all of the laundry and mow the lawn.  He said that on the first day, he couldn't see any results, and even on the second day he couldn't see any results either.  But, he said that fortunately, by the third day, enough of the swelling had gone down in his left eye that he could see well enough to fix himself a bite to eat, and load the dishwasher.

And The Moral Is -


That's Girls Raised In The South


Hope This Tickled Ya' Funny Bone,




“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10