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Terry Gill

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Re: The Marine (Nick)
7/14/2007 2:29:54 PM


It was not my intention to start a debate here, but simply to offer thought on the subject from a scriptural perspective.  You say you don't think God would mind.......and you also referenced the old Mosaic Law of  "an eye for an eye."  That law covenant was nailed to the torture stake with Jesus.  

The inspired warning that ‘there is a way that seems upright before a man, but the ways of death are its end,’ impresses upon one the importance of relying on what God says in his Word. (Prov. 14:12; 3:5, 6)

Jeremiah 10:23 tells us that it does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. 

The bottom line here is that man cannot rule himself.  He has been given over 6,000 years and tried every form of government there is and has failed miserably.   "Man has dominated man to his injury" with beastlike cruelty.  (Ecc. 8:9)  Only with God's theocracy, once re-established, will man truly find peace and security.  That is coming very soon, and then the ruler of this world, Satan the Devil, will no longer be able to exert his evil influence over man. 

Nick, I always enjoy your postings, especially your humorous ones.  If you or anyone else wishes to discuss this further, please private message me, as this is not the proper venue to do so. 





Sharon Lee

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Re: The Marine (Nick)
7/14/2007 2:48:24 PM

Good one Nick!!  ..LOL

Peace, Sharon

Nick Sym

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Re: The Marine (Nick)
7/14/2007 3:40:08 PM

Hello Brother Neil

I am glad you enjoyed the read which was meant to be humorous with a twist of reality

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Nick Sym

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Re: The Marine (Nick)
7/14/2007 3:47:31 PM

Hello Dear Jo!

I will never forget that we are all brothers and sisters living together on a small blue ball in a vast Universe. Even brothers and sisters not always agree on every subject and that is a God given choice. One of his words when we were created was that we were given a gift of freedom of choice. We are able to believe in some things and shun others but there should never be a fear that our Father will stop loving us. Did your parents stop loving you the first time you told them "NO", I don't think so!


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Nick Sym

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Re: The Marine (Nick)
7/14/2007 4:21:41 PM

My Brother Terry

And yes I call you brother as in the eyes of God we are brothers and sisters in to our Father! What I find funny is I have been told so many times never to discuss politics or religion as there will be no end - LOL You have a very strong belief as I and I respect that very much. I would be the last person to ever try to change a person’s point of view as there is as many different beliefs as there are stars in the sky and to each individual they are right and everybody else is wrong. I try my best to listen and understand all religions and their origins. I have been to a Jewish service, was invited to a Pakistani wedding, married to a Protestant and have had in-depth conversations with Muslims. It is all so interesting and these beliefs are held in high regard for those who believe. All I am saying is that I respect all points of view and will never say that mine is the right one – God Bless Brother Terry


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