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Dave Cottrell

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Are Twins Twice as Funny? Depends...
7/12/2007 3:33:16 AM
Hi everyone!

You just never know who you can trust...  or perhaps I should say, you can choose your friends but you can't choose your relatives...

A man was taking his pregnant (with twins) wife to the hospital when he got into a bad car accident. Upon regaining consciousness, he found his brother, a relentless practical joker, sitting bedside him.

He asked his brother how his wife is and his brother says,  "Don't worry, everyone is fine. In fact, you have a healthy son & daughter, too...but the hospital was in a real hurry with the birth certificates and I had to name the kids, because you and your wife were both unconscious."

"Oh no," thought the husband, "what has he done now?"

"Well, what did you name them?" he asks. His brother says, "I named the little girl Denise."

The husband says, "Why that's a very pretty name! What did you come up with for my son?"


Oh, man.....!

Enjoy the sun and think cool thoughts.

God bless,

Re: Are Twins Twice as Funny? Depends...
7/12/2007 6:21:10 AM
Hi Dave :) Oh No!!! LOL!!! thanks for the Fun! have a great day! hugs :)
Geketa Holman

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Re: Are Twins Twice as Funny? Depends...
7/12/2007 10:14:27 AM

Hi Dave,

Very funny .. Thanks for the giggles.. Ya'll have a nice day ya hear!



Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Sarah Pritchard

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Re: Are Twins Twice as Funny? Depends...
7/12/2007 12:23:01 PM
Très drôle.

We have identical twin girls.  They're both called "Good girl" (according to their father, anyway).

He couldn't tell which one was which so he called them both Good girl. 

When we want one of them to come and it doesn't matter which one, we shout out "Good girl" and see which one arrives.

Their little sisters call them Good girl too.

Little Isa will say "I want Good girl to do it; no not that one, the other one!"

Best wishes,

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Phillip Black

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Re: Are Twins Twice as Funny? Depends...
7/12/2007 1:02:39 PM

Hi Dave,

Thanks for the Smiles.  Laughter can often be the cure for whatever ails one.

Seriously though, Twins can be a lot of fun.  My Brother and Sister are Twins.  My Brother, being of a Religious nature, always said he had perfect names picked out, just in case he ever fathered twins.  He had chosen First & Second Thessalonians.

Have A Happy day,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10

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