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Re: Baby Kaleb Needs Our Prayers
7/19/2007 10:22:03 AM

Hello Everybody

   Here is our latest message from Kaleb's mother. She is very happy about the progress her son is making. She feels confident that this is the result of all of the prayers that have been sent to them and is very thankful

   There is a part of this story that is very upsetting though. The reason I am posting like this is because Kristy has had stop accepting new members to her blog. It seems some people just cannot accept the love and the beauty of this miracle in progress and have written some very hurtful things in Kristy's blog. Rather than have people respond to this awful negativity, Kristy has requested in her blog that we also pray for these people who are being so cruel.

  Kristy certainly has a loving , forgiving spirit. Perhaps even more so than some of us already here. Myself included. Forgiveness comes hard for me at times. Especially when there is an injured child involved.

   Here is Kristy's last message.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Home Day 2

Hello Everyone!

The last 2 days have been absolutely wonderful!!! Kaleb is doing SO MUCH MORE than he did in the hospital. He is kicking like a newborn does and making nice cooing sounds, not frustrated ones! He is starting to focus on toys. Today PT came and Kaleb was turning his head, YES turning his head! He is doing so wonderful!!!! PRAISE GOD!!! The Physical Therepist said that this is a good sign. His cries are even starting to sound more normal, and it is music to my ears. I am so glad he is home! I HAVE THIS OVERWHELMING FEELING OF PEACE. I truely think that Kaleb will be ok. He may not be 100%, but he is my son and I am just glad that he lived through all of this. I AM SO THANKFUL TO GOD! and to all of you for your prayers. I am sorry that I am not updating as much as I used to. Kaleb is home now and he gets almost all of my attention. Josh is home today so I was able to break and write this.

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!! For all of your prayers. This is all we need! Prayers that's it.

I am sorry for those of you who have received horrible emails from people who are against me. These people need to be prayed for not yelled at and bickered at, this is what they want, DON'T GIVE THEM THIS. I know it is hard to not write back, trust me my husband and I get it all the time. They are trying to delete my page by complaining and the "Help Kaleb" page. These individuals NEED TO BE PRAYED FOR.


Baby Kaleb, we send you our love,our prayers and our healing light.                     
May a smile follow you to sleep each night,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
           and be there waiting,,, when you awaken.
Sincerly, Bill Vanderbilt
Mental Health And Political Forums Respectively
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May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Donna Zuehl

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Re: Baby Kaleb Needs Our Prayers
7/23/2007 12:25:01 AM
To Baby Kaleb's parents... Don't forget to spend time with each other too. You need each other to get through this difficult time. Best wishes for all of you. Keep us informed of Kaleb's progress. DonnaZ
Re: Baby Kaleb Needs Our Prayers
7/24/2007 10:57:36 PM

Hello Donna

   You have brought up a very good point. In times like this, people who love each other really need to show their love. I'm sure that at times , they feel like all they have is each other.

   I am very sad to say that Baby Kaleb has taken a turn for the worse. He is back in the hospital. Here are the last messages from Kristy, Kaleb's Mother.


I have some sad and bad news. Kaleb has been readmitted into the hospital into PICU again. He has been more rigid the last 2 days and very aggitated. Yesterday AM I was laying on the couch with Kaleb on my chest and I thought wow, he feels warm. We didn't have a nurse yesterday (we seem to not have one more than we do), she left at 7 am. So I took his temp. The thermometor that we have is a ear one and it said 97.2. There was NO WAY he was 97.2 so i got out different thermometor and took a rectal temp and it said 99.9. So I decided to trend the temp and take it evry 5 minutes and in 30 mins it got up to 101.00. He then started to make a really weird noise and act like he was about to have a seizure. So the ambulance came and took him emergency to the hospital.We sat down in the ER from 9-7:30pm. They ruled out RSV, Influenza, any airborn illness. Everything was ruled out and he looked fine. But then they had to do a Head Tap and draw some CSF from his shunt. That test came back a bit cloudy and there is a high chance that he has Meningitis again. The hospital also says that the way he is posturing is a type of seizure.They have to culture the CSF to see if anything grows. If he does have meningitis, they are going to take Kaleb into surgery either today or tomorrow and remove the shunt. Then they will put a external drain back in his brain and start an antibiotics series again and then go back into surgery and put the shunt back in.


I am extremely sad. I cried all day in the ER. Josh was at work so my mom and dad and Diane were with me, Thank God. How much can his poor body take? He was doing SO WELL a couple days ago! My heart just aches right now. I want him back home. I loved having him home.


Kaleb is still in PICU. Today they have a 24 hour EEG machine hooked up to him. They are seeing if he has  persistant seizures. It looks like something from a sci-fi movie. I think he is very uncomfortable. He has been so fussy since he's gotten to the hospital, he knows he is not at home. Hopefully this EEG will show that he has more brain activity then they originally thought. We have been told this time at the hospital that Kaleb WON't get better. That most of his brain is gone. This has really saddened my heart and it is hard not to believe them. But that only lasts about an hour and then I pray for faith again. Faith is all we need. I am trying to believe that he will do everything that they say he won't... but that feeling of uncertianty sits in the pit of my stomach. I've asked God to give Kaleb the strength to pull through this one and to keep my hope going. I am not going to lie, I feel very weak right now. I am very sad. I pray that God will restore Kaleb's brain. I feel like I am in a nightmere set on repeat. I just want my littlle boy to hit those little milestones that every mother waits for. I want him to say Mama and Daddy. I want his eyes to light up when he sees us like he used to. I want him to crawl and walk. I want him to hit his first homerun at a baseball game. I want to see him have children. ALl of these things I hope for. But maybe God has a different plan for all of us an I pray for understanding of this that surpasses peace. We have been holding on to the hope that he will be restored for almost 3 months now. It feels more like 3 years. I pray that Justice is done for him.


Please I ask, I beg of all of you. Just pray for Kaleb, this is all we need, prayer. Pray for strength and faith for my whole family.

There is so much going on that Kaleb is the center of. A lot of it is not good. I know there are people out there who feel that I did this to my son. I DID NOT! Unfortunately they too are entitled to their opinions.But please remember that the "Facts" that you know, are not facts. But please I ask of you who feel this way, stop. Stop attacking me. Stop doing what you are doing. I have never said anything ill mannered about or to the person who is CHARGED for this crime against my son. If you don't like me or the response that my sons story  has gotten, keep it to yourselves or on your forums. Quit making pages that slam me left and right. Quit emailing my husband. This is a VERY difficult time for us and by you doing this it makes it harder. You say you support Kaleb and that you do this for Kaleb. You are not supporting him at all. You are attacking the two people who love and cherish this child more than anything and that is not in any way supporting him. You are attacking people who have done things in his honor, that is not supporting him. I am sorry that you think so ill of me... I haven't done anything to make you feel that way. I write what I think, I am an open person, and because you don't like what I say, isn't going to make me stop. I pray for your group of people everyday. I have opened up our lives and our hardships for the world to see, yes I know... But please stop. This will be the last time that I address this. I am asking you from the bottom of my heart.

End Of Kristy's Message


So Friends, please keep praying for Baby Kaleb and his family. Kaleb was making improvements and there is no reason to think he can't do it again. My heart just breaks when I hear about such things happening. I know that you all feel the samme way I do. There is so much you want to do to help and yet there is really only one thng we can do. Pray, Pray and Pray some more and ask our Dear Lord to please place his healing hand on Baby Kaleb and help him recover from this terrible affliction.

Sincerly, Bill

May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Jill Bachman

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Re: Baby Kaleb Needs Our Prayers
7/25/2007 2:00:53 AM
Oh Bill,

This is a tear jerker, and you bet......................

I will PRAY for Baby Kaleb and his parents for as long as it takes to manifest that miracle.

I feel so sorry for Kristy as she writes this.............I cannot even imagine what she is going through, not to mention receiving negative messages from people.  Whatever is this world coming to?

God bless you for this forum and all of your caring and sharing.

I love you.

Hugs,  Jill

Re: Baby Kaleb Needs Our Prayers
7/25/2007 12:42:25 PM

Hello Jill

  Thank you so much for your prayers and support for Baby Kaleb and his famly. It means so much to them to know that they have so many wonderful people like yourself in their corner.

   Thank you also for your new thread bringing more attention to Baby Kaleb's story. Kaleb needs all the help and prayers he can get right now. Somehow I just know he will pull through this. Thank you for your love and light Jill. You truly are a beautiful person.


Baby Kaleb, we send you our love,our prayers and our healing light.                     
May a smile follow you to sleep each night,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
           and be there waiting,,, when you awaken.
Sincerly, Bill Vanderbilt
Mental Health And Political Forums Respectively
Stop Illegal IImmigration
Visit the Billallys Pub network at:
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy

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